DataFrame no longer is displayed in console

In the terminal of vscode I cannot see any longer the content of any dataframe.

I doesn’t make a difference if I start julia in the terminal or the “Julia REPL” plugin.


julia> using DataFrames; 
                             df1 = DataFrame(a = repeat([1, 2, 3, 4], outer=[2]),
                             b = repeat([2, 1], outer=[4]),
                             c = 1:8);

julia> df1
8×3 DataFrame

Expected output:

julia> df1
8×3 DataFrame
│ Row │ a     │ b     │ c     │
│     │ Int64 │ Int64 │ Int64 │
│ 1   │ 1     │ 2     │ 1     │
│ 2   │ 2     │ 1     │ 2     │
│ 3   │ 3     │ 2     │ 3     │
│ 4   │ 4     │ 1     │ 4     │
│ 5   │ 1     │ 2     │ 5     │
│ 6   │ 2     │ 1     │ 6     │
│ 7   │ 3     │ 2     │ 7     │
│ 8   │ 4     │ 1     │ 8     │

Any Idea?

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This has to do with your terminal height available. If you increase the vertical height of the terminal, more will be shown.

No, that is not the problem. No matter how big my terminal height is, only the first line (8x3 DataFrame) is displayed. :frowning:

Just tested again, now it works. :slight_smile:

Lets see if it happens again.

This has happened sometimes with me on VS Code and it goes away after I adjust the terminal height. If that doesn’t work, I just restart my julia session and it works. It has probably only happened once or twice with me though.