The group keys are (named) tuples of the respective values (a one-tuple if you group by one column), so you can index into the GroupedDataFrame with such a one-tuple:
gdf = groupby(df, :city)
julia> gdf[("Berlin",)]
3×3 SubDataFrame
Row │ city date v
│ String String Float64
1 │ Berlin 10-16-2021 109.655
2 │ Berlin 10-18-2021 100.57
3 │ Berlin 10-19-2021 65.6764
If you like a get_group function better, where you can avoid the tuple syntax which is admittedly a bit ugly if there’s just one column, you could do it like this:
julia> get_group(gdf, keys...) = gdf[(keys...,)]
get_group (generic function with 1 method)
julia> get_group(gdf, "Berlin")
3×3 SubDataFrame
Row │ city date v
│ String String Float64
1 │ Berlin 10-16-2021 109.655
2 │ Berlin 10-18-2021 100.57
3 │ Berlin 10-19-2021 65.6764
Also, you get the keys with the keys function (same for normal dictionaries or any other key-based datastructure in Julia, usually)