Hello All
I am trying to run Julia code on a Linux cluster that works flawlessly on my personal machine. The MWE that fails for me:
using Pkg
Pkg.activate("/home/path/JuliaEnv/") #Activate Environment
using DataFrames
dummyDF = DataFrame([String],["String"],1)
fails with:
Activating environment at `~/path/JuliaEnv/Project.toml`
ERROR: LoadError: ArgumentError: `DataFrame` constructor with passed eltypes is not supported. Pass explicitly created columns to a `DataFrame` constructor instead.
[1] DataFrame(::Array{DataType,1}, ::Array{String,1}, ::Int64; makeunique::Bool) at path/.julia/packages/DataFrames/nxjiD/src/dataframe/dataframe.jl:380
[2] DataFrame(::Array{DataType,1}, ::Array{String,1}, ::Int64) at path/.julia/packages/DataFrames/nxjiD/src/dataframe/dataframe.jl:380
[3] top-level scope at file.jl:7
in expression starting at file.jl:7
I am not even using the eltypes command here and it fails. Ironically, the full script uses DataFrame(XLSX.readtable("ExcelFile.xlsx", "Sheet1"; infer_eltypes=true)...)
at some previous stage without any problems, but it somehow fails to construct any DataFrames (which I need). This is on Julia 1.5.4, which I have reinstalled, I also tried 1.6.1, deleting various folders in Julia, recompiling, reinstating the environment etc, nothing worked.
Any help on how to resolve this is much appreciated, I don’t want to rewrite everything in Python just so I can use the cluster…