Data structures for threaded computing

Thanks, it fixed the speed issue right up:

@time threadedGram2(x);
#  0.728811 seconds (117 allocations: 947.766 KiB)

Slightly off topic but I think it would probably be useful to have this in Base:

import Base.zeros
  x = rand(Float64, (4,4))
function zeros(x::AbstractArray)
  T = eltype(x)
  dim = size(x)
  return zeros(T, dim)

import Base.ones
  x = rand(Float64, (4,4))
function ones(x::AbstractArray)
  T = eltype(x)
  dim = size(x)
  return ones(T, dim)

you can simply do:


" Get the additive identity element for the type of `x`"

although, one(x) would give you identity matrix, not sure if you want that or not (because it’s the multiplicative identity, if not, you can always fill(one(eltype(x)), size(x)) or what you’re already doing.

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Thanks. I didn’t know about zero.