Hi All,
I am trying to install CUDA with CUTENSOR support on a Debian 11+julia 1.8.5, but witout success.
The main problem is that CUTENSOR is non supported at moment for the new CUDA 12.1 drivers.
This is the error message
julia> using cuTENSOR
[ Info: Precompiling cuTENSOR [011b41b2-24ef-40a8-b3eb-fa098493e9e1]
┌ Error: cuTENSOR is not available for your platform (x86_64-linux-gnu-libgfortran5-cxx11-libstdcxx30-cuda+12.1-julia_version+1.8.5)
└ @ cuTENSOR ~/.julia/packages/cuTENSOR/WTpqy/src/cuTENSOR.jl:99
How about installing a lower version of the CUDA software?
In the HPC systems I install you can have multiple versions of CUDA. You select which one you work with using Modules files.
You can have CUDA.jl use an older toolkit using CUDA.set_runtime_version!; if you use e.g. v"11.8" you should be able to use CUTENSOR again. (Admittedly, the error reporting still need to be improved, but these changes are fairly recent.)
I tried CUDA.set_runtime_version!(v"11.8") and (v"11.0") and in both cases CUDA recomplies succesfully but CUTENSOR is not loaded. In the REPL if I run suing CUDA.CUTENSOR then I get:
ERROR: UndefVarError: CUTENSOR not defined
This is the output of CUDA.versioninfo():
CUDA runtime 11.0, artifact installation
CUDA driver 12.1
NVIDIA driver 530.30.2