Custom xticks for dates in StatsPlots groupedbar

Hi all, can someone help me understand why my code is not able to produce a plot with custom xticks for a Date x-axis? I would like to plot the time axis using ticks that are spaced out more widely.

using DataFrames, StatsPlots, Plots, Dates, Distributions

sample_df = DataFrame(
    date = [Date(2019,1,1) + Day(i) for i in 0:90],
sample_df[:, :value1] .= rand(Poisson(10), nrow(sample_df))
sample_df[:, :value2] .= rand(Poisson(50), nrow(sample_df))
sample_df = stack(sample_df, [:value1, :value2])

@df sample_df groupedbar(
    :date, :value, group=:variable, bar_position=:dodge

date_ticks = round.(, Week(2)) |> unique
@df sample_df groupedbar(
    :date, :value, group=:variable, bar_position=:dodge,
    xticks=(date_ticks, Dates.format.(date_ticks, "mm/yyyy")), xlim=extrema(date_ticks), xrot=60

The problem is that with groupedbar() the x-axis is a sequential integer (+/- 0.5).

Using the closest indexes/dates to your desired x-ticks, we can produce:

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