Hello I am trying to use the Rocket.jl - reactive programming and I do not understand how to create custom Observable/Subject I have an GLFW function that gives back information when user use scroll and in this case prints either +1 or -1 depending on the direction;
So obviously function acts as a producer of infinite stream - in theory perfect for reactive programming yet I do not have any idea How to connect it - how to create Observable/Subject that will “produce +1 and -1” in order to attach actors that will invoke approriate functions on mouse scroll.
GLFW.SetScrollCallback(window, (_, xoff, yoff) → print(yoff) )
Hey! Thank you for trying out Rocket.jl
My approach would be something like:
using Rocket
using GLFW
mutable struct ScrollCallbackSubscribable <: Subscribable{Int}
xoff_previous :: Float64
yoff_previous :: Float64
subject :: Subject{Int}
ScrollCallbackSubscribable() = new(0.0, 0.0, Subject(Int))
function Rocket.on_subscribe!(handler::ScrollCallbackSubscribable, actor)
return subscribe!(handler.subject, actor)
function (handler::ScrollCallbackSubscribable)(_, xoff, yoff)
# I'm not sure how GLFW represents offsets so it might be wrong here
# here you actually need to implement your scrolling logic
if handler.yoff_previous > yoff
next!(handler.subject, 1)
next!(handler.subject, -1)
handler.xoff_previous = xoff
handler.yoff_previous = yoff
const scrollback = ScrollCallbackSubscribable()
GLFW.SetScrollCallback(window, (a, xoff, yoff) -> scrollback(a, xoff, yoff))
# Than later in your application you can do smth like
subscription = subscribe!(scrollback, (direction) -> println(direction))
For example:
function main()
# Create a window and its OpenGL context
window = GLFW.CreateWindow(640, 480, "GLFW.jl")
# Make the window's context current
GLFW.SetScrollCallback(window, (a, xoff, yoff) -> scrollback(a, xoff, yoff))
subscription = subscribe!(scrollback, (direction) -> println(direction))
# Loop until the user closes the window
while !GLFW.WindowShouldClose(window)
# Render here
# Swap front and back buffers
# Poll for and process events
It’s not complete, but I think you get the idea. Also please you can find something useful in the Rocket.jl documentation about Subjects.
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