So I profiled the call to D(p), here are the results:
A couple of remarks:
- There seems to be some type instabilities in the custom forward rule for
- I don’t understand why, but when I execute
, theroot
function is called 7 times with the same input vector each time. I guess this is due to this loop here. Is there any way to optimize this?
Full code for reference:
# Nth order polynomial evaluated at x
eval_poly(x, p) = sum(p[i]*x^(i-1) for i in eachindex(p))
# Polynomial root (this is the slow part that should never be called with Dual numbers)
function root(p::AbstractVector{T}) where T <: Real
f(x) = eval_poly(x, p)
xᵅ = find_zero(f, 0.)
return xᵅ
function zero_gradient(p, x)
return [eval_poly(x[1], p)]
linear_solver(A, b) = (Matrix(A) \ b, (solved=true,))
implicit = ImplicitFunction(p -> [root(p)], zero_gradient, linear_solver)
@ForwardDiff_frule (f::typeof(implicit))(p::AbstractArray{<:ForwardDiff.Dual}; kwargs...)
D(p) = ForwardDiff.gradient(p -> implicit(p)[1], p)
DD(p) = ForwardDiff.hessian(p -> implicit(p)[1], p)
# Test
p = [0.4595890823651114,
@profview @btime D($p)