After porting some code from using oneAPI.jl
GPU kernels to CUDA.jl
I got timings in CUDA which were higher than the ones from running in an Intel GPU.
Something like getting 20ms on the on an Nvidia Gtx 1080 Ti and 14ms on an Intel UHD Graphics 620, which was really not expected given that memory transfers were ruled out and given that this is a flagship card against a low-end integrated one.
After some research, I narrowed the potential issue as to be something related to inlining optimizations not happen when dual numbers (a kind of complex number related to automatic differentiation) are used. I’m not sure this is the only issue though.
I’m sharing an MWE below where a “simple” multiplication function being force-inlined or not has a huge impact.
In my original code I have no access to functions to force them inlining. Is there something that can be done? Can this be considered a bug?
The times I’m seeing in the machines I’m trying are the following:
- oneAPI.jl - Intel UHD Graphics 620:
- with
annotated multiplication function (fmul_1
)- real numbers: 8.0ms
- dual numbers: 12.0 ms
- with not annotated multiplication function (
)- same as above
- with
- CUDA.jl - Nvidia Gtx 1080 Ti:
- with
annotated multiplication function (fmul_1
)- real numbers: 0.5ms
- dual numbers: 0.6ms
- with not annotated multiplication function (
)- real numbers: 0.5ms
- dual numbers: 12.6ms (!!!)
- with
using StaticArrays
import Zygote
import CUDA
import oneAPI
@inline fmul_1(m,v) = m * v
fmul_2(m,v) = m * v
@inline function compute_element(arrayvec3, a::T, mat3x3) where T
acc = zero(T)
for b in arrayvec3
u = SVector{3, T}(a, a, b)
# v = fmul_1(mat3x3, u) ### CUDA: 0.5ms with reals, 0.6ms with duals
v = fmul_2(mat3x3, u) ### CUDA: 0.5ms with reals, 12.6ms with duals
acc += sum( v )
return acc
function compute(arrayvec3::CUDA.CuArray, mat3x3)
function kernel(arrayvec3, mat3x3)
i = (CUDA.blockIdx().x - 1) * CUDA.blockDim().x + CUDA.threadIdx().x
i > size(arrayvec3,1) && return nothing
arrayvec3[i] = compute_element(arrayvec3, arrayvec3[i], mat3x3)
return nothing
threads = 16*16; blocks = cld(length(arrayvec3), threads)
CUDA.@cuda threads=threads blocks=blocks kernel(arrayvec3, mat3x3)
function compute(arrayvec3::oneAPI.oneArray, mat3x3)
function kernel(arrayvec3, mat3x3)
i = oneAPI.get_global_id(0)
i > size(arrayvec3,1) && return nothing
arrayvec3[i] = compute_element(arrayvec3, arrayvec3[i], mat3x3)
return nothing
items = 16*16; groups = cld(length(arrayvec3), items)
oneAPI.@oneapi items=items groups=groups kernel(arrayvec3, mat3x3)
function compute(arrayvec3::Array, mat3x3)
for arrayvec3idx in CartesianIndices(arrayvec3)
@inbounds arrayvec3[arrayvec3idx] = compute_element(arrayvec3, arrayvec3[arrayvec3idx], mat3x3)
mat3x3 = rand(SMatrix{3,3,Float32})
mat3x3dual = SMatrix{3,3,Zygote.ForwardDiff.Dual{Nothing,Float32,1}}(mat3x3)
arrayvec3 = rand(Float32, 10000)
arrayvec3dual = Array{Zygote.ForwardDiff.Dual{Nothing,Float32,1}}(arrayvec3)
# gpu = false
gpu = true
if gpu
gpu_arr = CUDA.has_cuda() ? CUDA.CuArray : oneAPI.oneArray
arrayvec3 = arrayvec3 |> gpu_arr
arrayvec3dual = arrayvec3dual |> gpu_arr
compute(arrayvec3, mat3x3); Array(arrayvec3) # warm up
compute(arrayvec3dual, mat3x3dual); Array(arrayvec3dual) # warm up
@time (compute(arrayvec3, mat3x3); ret = Array(arrayvec3) )
@time (compute(arrayvec3dual, mat3x3dual); retdual = Array(arrayvec3dual) )