Hi all,
I’m looking to use a GPU CG method with an ILU preconditioner. I’m currently using a CPU CG method through IterativeSolvers and ILU through IncompleteLU.jl . The CG method from IterativeSolvers is easily extended to GPUs however, some work is required on IncompleteLU.jl to implement it on a GPU. I think only forward_substitution
and backward_substitution
methods are required to extend this. I’ve tried using sv2!
and ilu02
with little success. Does anyone have any ideas?
do you need the ILU on GPU? You could just pass the decomposition to the GPU, see https://rveltz.github.io/BifurcationKit.jl/dev/tutorialsCGL/#Complex-Ginzburg-Landau-2d-1
The issue is that the preconditioner requires the ‘ldiv!’ method as per https://julialinearalgebra.github.io/IterativeSolvers.jl/dev/preconditioning/. Unless I am mistaken?
The link you sent does look helpful though. Thank you for that
Here is some code:
using LinearAlgebra
using SparseArrays
using IncompleteLU
using IterativeSolvers
val = sprand(200,200,0.05);
A_cpu = val*val'
b_cpu = rand(200)
A_gpu = CuSparseMatrixCSC(A_cpu)
b_gpu = CuArray(b_cpu)
Precilu = ilu(A_cpu, τ = 3.0)
import Base: ldiv!
function LinearAlgebra.ldiv!(y::CuArray, P::LUgpu, x::CuArray)
copyto!(y, x)
sv2!('N', 'L', 1.0, P, y, 'O')
sv2!('N', 'U', 1.0, P, y, 'O')
return y
function LinearAlgebra.ldiv!(P::LUgpu, x::CuArray)
sv2!('N', 'L', 1.0, P, x, 'O')
sv2!('N', 'U', 1.0, P, x, 'O')
return x
# function LinearAlgebra.ldiv!(_lu::LUperso, rhs::CUDA.CuArray)
# _x = UpperTriangular(_lu.Ut) \ (LowerTriangular(_lu.L) \ rhs)
# rhs .= vec(_x)
# # CUDA.unsafe_free!(_x)
# rhs
# end
# function LinearAlgebra.ldiv!(yrhs::CuArray,_lu::LUperso, rhs::CuArray)
# copyto!(yrhs,rhs)
# _x = UpperTriangular(_lu.Ut) \ (LowerTriangular(_lu.L) \ rhs)
# rhs .= vec(_x)
# # CUDA.unsafe_free!(_x)
# rhs
# end
struct LUgpu
Ut # transpose of U in LU decomposition
P = LUperso(LowerTriangular(CuSparseMatrixCSR(I+Precilu.L)), UpperTriangular(CuSparseMatrixCSR(sparse(Precilu.U'))));
val = cg(A_gpu,b_gpu,verbose=true,Pl=P,tol=10^-7,maxiter=1000)
P_cpu = ilu(A_cpu,τ=3.0)
val = cg(A_cpu,b_cpu;verbose=true,Pl=P_cpu,tol=10^-7,maxiter=1000)