When I open the CSV file containing integer file in the scientific notation format, such as 2e2
for the integer 200. When I use CSV.jl to open this file, I got the following error.
CSV.ParsingException(“error parsing a Int64
value on column 2, row 7190; encountered ‘e’”)
CSV file data table as f as
x, y
12, 567e3
18, 2356
The Julia code is
using CSV
dtype = Type[Union{Missing,Int64} for i=1:2];
df_ais = CSV.read( file_path; delim=",", datarow=2, header=["x", "y"], types=dtype )
That’s because the type of 2e2 is a float not an integer:
julia> typeof(2e2)
Thank you so much! It works.
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While the Julia type of 2e2
and 567e3
is Float64
, they can be cleanly converted to Int64
. In the interest of “being liberal in what you accept”, maybe CSV.jl should attempt to do a conversion? After all, the CSV file might come from an application that does not adhere to Julia semantics.
Yea, I’ve come across situations where I wanted a round Float64
to magically become an Int
, but this behavior would be outside the scope of CSV
and downright unexpected: in my (albeit limited) experience, number notations with the exponential e
(e.g. 2e2) are always treated as floats.
Part of the problem is that if we treat such numbers as Int
s where we can, then their type won’t be guaranteed, it would depend on their value. But that issue doesn’t have to do with CSV
, it’s a separate discussion.
BTW, I think there is a package that automatically converts floats to integers when it can, but I forgot what it’s called…