Creating an AbstractDataFrame subtype

This is a great question. I will admit that I took a little bit of random walk to get here, so a coarse correction may be in order. I am writing this for a specific internal application. So, I don’t actually need to implement the entire DataFrame interface.

Maybe its best to explain my path here. I have data stored in CSV files from various tests that I load into a DataFrame. I want to be able to dispatch on this particular data for various plotting recipes so I made a struct like:

struct DFWrapper

where other and stuff are common meta data for test data, e.g. test date/time…

I would also like the ability to query and filter DFWrapper.df with tools like Query.jl and DataFramesMeta.jl. That led me to this. I thought “that sounds easy enough”… and here I am. At this point, I don’t think its worth doing this for the project at hand given the feedback.

I am open all ears on better ideas. In essence, I want something that stores a DataFrame, acts like a DataFrame, but that I can also dispatch on.