Create plot with multiple colorgradients

I’m trying to visualize some data where I want to see some kind of distribution a (small) set of per sample distributions.

I doubt that the description makes much sense, but this MWE creates the type of figure I would like to see by just mapping values to a color manually to create an image:

using Plots
# This creates 21 samples with three sets of data in each sample
dummydata = [(0.1:0.1:x, 0.2:0.2:x, 0.3:0.3:x) for x in 0:0.05:1];

function colormatrix(pdata, cms)
           z = fill(colorant"white", length(pdata), maximum(x -> sum(length, x), pdata)+1)
           for (i, row) in enumerate(pdata)
               offs = 0
               for (cm, series) in zip(cms, row)
                   nelems = length(series)
                   nelems > 0 || continue
                   z[i, 1+offs:nelems+offs] .= cm[series]
                   offs += nelems
           return z

plot(colormatrix(dummydata, (cgrad(:reds), cgrad(:blues), cgrad(:greens))))

The problem with the above approach is that I want to do this for a couple of million samples and the plot command either chokes or produces an invisibly thin horizontal line (as the x-axis has much fewer values than the y-axis).

If I instead make z an array of floats and let plots.heatmap handle the image generation I get something which looks good, but I can’t find a good way to separate the ranges of the colorgradient so the series will blend into each other.

I can ensure that each series (as used in colormatrix) lies within a distinct numeric range (e.g. first series in 0-1, second in 2-3 etc.) in case that can be helpful.

I also can’t find what trick Plots.heatmap uses to avoid the ‘too many pixels’ problem. Can one apply it to a matrix of Colors? I have tried using aspect_ratio set to 1 or :equal but it does not help (enough). Setting size does not help either.

I don’t have to use Plots for this btw, its just what I have tried so far.

Linking this related GR example, in case it is useful.

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Thanks, but I seem to get the same type of problem as with Plots. For example:

# Not even visible to me
GRUtils.imshow(rand(1000_000, 10))

# A very thin picture:
GRUtils.imshow(rand(1000, 10))

# This streches and blends/aliases the pixels somehow
Plots.heatmap(rand(1000_000, 10))

I guess the last example destroys data as my screen can’t show one million vertical pixels, but since I intend to plot sorted data that should not matter as one should be able to grasp the overall distribution.

Edit: What is missing from the last example is a way to control the colormap, e.g. so that 0:0.57 uses cgrad(:reds) and the rest uses cgrad(:greens). I’m perfectly happy with pixels being merged/aliased (whatever the term is) for the 1e6 sized dimension and stretched out for the small sized dimension.

You may want to play with the 4th channel (RGBA alpha transparency) for blending?

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This other post takes a different approach, uses a single color scheme, but might be of interest, just in case.

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You may want to play with the 4th channel (RGBA alpha transparency) for blending?

As in making separate calls to heatmap! for each colormap and line them up? I was thinking of this, but is there a way to do this with numerical input? I’m also a bit concerned with performance as things need to run N times instead of 1. It already takes almost a minute to draw/display the image.

I suppose a hacky way could be to use a sentinel value for a fully transparent RGBA which is manually concatenated with the desired colormap (not sure how to do this, but I assume it is possible somehow). Is there a way to use NaN for this sentinel value?

I was thinking about one single plot call. We would map first the millions of dots onto a big RGBA matrix, where 3 data families would live in separate R, G, B channels and they would blend via alpha. But I might be wrong.

map first the millions of dots into a big RGBA matrix

The problem with an RGB(A) matrix seems to be that pixels are not blended automatically when trying to display the image.

I have no idea what algorithm blends/stretches the pixels when Plots.heatmap(rand(1000_000, 10)) is called but it seems to do a pretty good job in my case.

I tried the following naive implementation of the overlapping figures approach, but it seems to be too slow (has been running for about 5 minutes now with 200k rows dummydata):

function colorplot(pdata, cms)
    plt = heatmap()
    for (i, row) in enumerate(pdata)
        offs = 0
        for (cm, series) in zip(cms, row)
            nelems = length(series)
            nelems > 0 || continue
            heatmap!(plt, 1+offs:nelems+offs, i:i, permutedims(series)'; c=cm)
            offs += nelems
    return plt

Ok, this less naive version seems to be much faster:

function colorplot(pdata, cms)
    zs = ntuple(_ -> fill(NaN, length(pdata), maximum(r -> sum(length, r), pdata)), length(cms))
    for (i, row) in enumerate(pdata)
        offs = 0
        for (z, series) in zip(zs, row)
            nelems = length(series)
            nelems > 0 || continue
            z[i, 1+offs:nelems+offs] = series
            offs += nelems
    plt = plot()
    for (z, cm) in zip(zs, cms)
        heatmap!(plt, z; c=cm)
    return plt

I’ll use it for now unless someone has a better way.