Create Hayshed in 3D with Inverted Catenary, Need Help with Modify the x and y ticks

I am using Plotlyjs here, gr() can also be used, but can’t be rotated.

I want to create a hayshed that will look like this:
Capture d’écran_2023-06-24_22-17-13

I have come up with this code:

# Inverted catenary
using Plots;

# a large hayshed of length 100 feet and width 48 feet is built
# a cross section has the shape of an inverted catenary with equation y = 37 - 24 cosh (x/24)
# ones(m) = m-element row vector (m x 1) with entries of 1
# ones(m,n) = m times n matrix with entries of 1
# range(0, 2π; length = n) = initial 0 till 2π partitioned n times
# θ' = 1x130 vector column with entries θ
# ones(m)*θ' -> becomes m x dim(θ') matrix
# cosh.(ones(m)*θ') -> compute cosh for every entries in matrix (ones(m)*θ')

function hayshedcatenary(r)   
    m = 200
    n = 130
    h = 100 # length 100 feet
    θ = range(0, 2π; length = n)
    w = range(0, 48; length = n)
    t = range(0, h; length = m) 
    x = ones(m)*w'
    y = t * ones(n)' 
    z = 37*ones(m,n) - 24cosh.(ones(m)*(θ/24)')
    return x, y, z
my_cg = cgrad([:green,:blue])
surface(hayshedcatenary(3),  label="hayshed")	

Capture d’écran_2023-06-25_18-13-31

There is a slight missing, on the vertical / y-axis it should be from 0 to 13, I follow the equation carefully, if there is something wrong with this:
37*ones(m,n) - 24cosh.(ones(m)*(θ/24)') ?

The x axis in the picture is from -24 to 24, can we modify the code so it will goes form -24 to 24 as well? instead of 0 to 48.

Edited, fix the x axis with: w = range(-24, 24; length = n)

and I fix the y-axis with:

function hayshedcatenary(r)   
    m = 200
    n = 130
    h = 100 # length 100 feet
    w = range(-24, 24; length = n)
    t = range(0, h; length = m) 
    x = ones(m)*w'
    y = t * ones(n)' 
    z = 37*ones(m,n) - 24cosh.(ones(m)*(w/24)')
    return x, y, z


θ should belong to a symmetric interval about 0:

function hayshedcatenary()   
    m = 200
    n = 130
    h = 100 # length 100 feet
    θ = range(-3, 3; length = n)
    w = range(-24, 24; length = n)
    t = range(0, h; length = m) 
    x = ones(m)*w'
    y = t * ones(n)' 
    z = 37*ones(m,n) - 24cosh.(ones(m)*(θ/24)')
    return x, y, z
my_cg = cgrad([:green,:blue])
surface(hayshedcatenary(),  label="hayshed")	
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Thanks for the answer, but I find the solution if we just use w instead of \theta for z