Currently pop! has a method that requires all arguments to be evaluated beforehand:
julia> a = Dict("x" => 3, "y" => 4)
Dict{String,Int64} with 2 entries:
"x" => 3
"y" => 4
julia> @time pop!(a, "x", (sleep(10); 5))
10.000316 seconds (1.00 k allocations: 22.312 KiB)
However in this case there’s no need to evaluate the default argument. Would it make sense to add a method analogous to get! that accepts a function as the first argument, so that it’s possible to pass something like this:
a = Dict("x" => 3, "y" => 4)
v = pop!(a, "x", nothing)
if v === nothing
v = 5
IMO it would be a bit strange for pop! to accept a function like this since that function doesn’t need access to the object a (e.g. to add a key like the get! version that accepts a function). There is just no reason to move that code block inside pop! when it could just as well be outside.
That code would fail though on Dict("x" => nothing, "y" => 4), and to truly handle that right without sacrificing performance, I think you basically have to write out something similar to the do-block get! function, so from that angle I think it could be a useful addition to have it for pop! too.