Could one chain chains?

Is it okay for the layers used in a chain to be chains themselves? Such as Chain(Chain(A, B), C)? All the examples I have seen so far do not use Chain recurrently so I am thinking this may not be kosher. Does this mean that in order to build a sub-structure such as a ResNet block I need to build a custom layer through a structure and @treelike?

Simple chaining like this does not appear to work:

function ResNetBlock(nfilter=64)
            Chain( * [
                Conv((3,3), nfilter=>nfilter, pad=1),
                BatchNorm(nfilter, relu),
                Conv((3,3), nfilter=>nfilter, pad=1),
        x -> relu.(x))

This was inspired by @jonathan-laurent AlphaZero but it does not work for me, meaning running params on returned chain gave an empty parameter list. I believe he defines his own helper functions to interface with Flux/gpu.

Weird thing is if I run the code interactively then it works

nfilter = 2
nn = Chain(
                Conv((3,3), nfilter=>nfilter, pad=1),
                BatchNorm(nfilter, relu),
                Conv((3,3), nfilter=>nfilter, pad=1),
        x -> relu.(x))

After some experimentation it appears I must not have understood return correctly. After I got rid of the return keyword then the function wrapper also works. I am new to Julia so I don’t know if this is a bug or feature of Julia. Duh, return on its own line would return an empty object! So it was a newbie syntax error.

Okay chain of chains do appear to work! Great!


Don’t forget to call Flux.@functor for custom-defined layers