Correct Way to Compose ReverseDiff and ForwardDiff

I am trying to use ReverseDiff.jl and ForwardDiff.jl as a mixed mode AD approach to computing a Hessian vector product. I am using the following function:

import ForwardDiff as fdiff
import ReverseDiff as rdiff

function _hvp(f::F, x::S, v::S) where {F, S<:AbstractVector{<:AbstractFloat}}
	dual = fdiff.Dual.(x,v)

	return fdiff.partials.(rdiff.gradient(f, dual), 1)

but this is not giving me the expected output. See below for a simple example.

A = randn(2,2)

f(x) = x'*A*x

x = randn(2)
v = randn(2)

_hvp(f,x,v) ≈ (A+A')*v #returns false

What is the correct way to compose these two packages?

Related thread:

The code you posted works for me (assuming Dual, gradient, and partials all come from ForwardDiff.jl):

julia> using ForwardDiff: Dual, gradient, partials

julia> function _hvp(f::F, x::S, v::S) where {F, S<:AbstractVector{<:AbstractFloat}}
           dual = Dual.(x, v)
           return partials.(gradient(f, dual), 1)
_hvp (generic function with 1 method)

julia> A = randn(2, 2); x = randn(2); v = randn(2);

julia> f(x) = x' * A * x
f (generic function with 1 method)

julia> _hvp(f, x, v) ≈ (A + A') * v

It’s not clear from your post where the interplay between ForwardDiff.jl and ReverseDiff.jl comes in. Could you elaborate?

Thanks, in my reading of this thread it only seems related in that both the ForwardDiff.jl and ReverseDiff.jl packages are being used, but there is nothing dealing with the composition of them. I think there is perhaps an ambiguity in the term “mixed mode”. In the referenced thread, the poster just wants to obtain the gradient by combining two different modes, whereas I want higher order derivatives using mixed-mode AD. If I am missing something feel free to point it out.

Ah, yes, apologies for the ambiguity. I updated the question to clarify, but I want to use ReverseDiff.gradient. The goal is to have a forward-over-back approach, where ReverseDiff.jl is handling the backward mode. If I were to use Zygote.gradient instead, then the posted code would work.

Looks like a bug in ReverseDiff, even for the first derivative of this f:

julia> ForwardDiff.gradient(f, x)
2-element Vector{Float64}:

julia> Zygote.gradient(f, x)
([0.7876859520316463, 1.589143296293251],)

julia> ReverseDiff.gradient(f, x)  # wrong
2-element Vector{Float64}:

julia> ReverseDiff.gradient(v -> v' * A' * v, x)
2-element Vector{Float64}:

julia> ReverseDiff.gradient(x -> dot(x, A, x), x)
2-element Vector{Float64}:

julia> @which x'*A*x
*(tu::Union{Adjoint{T, var"#s967"}, Transpose{T, var"#s967"}} where {T, var"#s967"<:(AbstractVector)}, B::AbstractMatrix, v::AbstractVector)
     @ LinearAlgebra ~/.julia/dev/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.9/LinearAlgebra/src/matmul.jl:1152

I see this on Julia 1.7 and later, but not on 1.6. Thus I presume it’s related to PR 37898 for 3-arg *, but I don’t see why.

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I am on 1.6.4 and seeing that same issue.

There is this old issue on ReverseDiff.jl that may be related, I am uncertain.

I also see it on the official linux builds for v1.7.1. But I get the correct answers for f2(x) = dot(x, A*x) and f3(x) = dot(x, A, x). Spooky.