CoreNLP - Base Name Conflict

I’m afraid your snippet misses implementation of tagSentence and customizes some other details like model paths. Can you push your code e.g. to GitHub so we could dive right into working example?

##Will get back to this Sunday morning.

My mistake. I am on vacation this week and will have smartphone for communications but not laptop for coding. I have pushed the project as-is to Aether59/JavaCoreNLP.jl. It is rough. Feel free to chew on it or leave it for me to do next week.

Hmm, I tried the code, but the tokenizer returns an empty sentence iterator. Did you succeed to use it in the first place?

I succeeded to run it without errors. I did not have time to check the
contents. That’s next.

The version here contains the DependencyParserDemo (DependencyParserDemo.jl) and the basic pipeline demo (runtests.jl). They both run and give sensible results.

I replaced the custom paths to modelPath and taggerPath with paths that subtend from Pkg.Dir.path(). If there is a better solution, please let me know and I will implement.

I will clean this up but for now, I believe it is a starting point.

Looks good!

You can get a subpath of package directory using:

Pkg.dir("JavaCoreNLP", "jvm", "corenlp-wrapper", "target", "edu", "stanford", "nlp", "models", "parser", "nndep", "english_UD.gz")

This will also work with Windows path separator. Even better solution would be to make paths relative to @__DIR__ - this additionally covers cases of non-standard package installation.

Also, consider adjusting names according to Julia naming conventions. Most developers follow them (with some differences in using underscores / squashing names) which makes it much easier to read someone else’s code.

I have–

  • Implemented the Pkg.dir solution above. (@__DIR__ not supported in v0.5.)
  • Implemented Julia naming conventions.
  • Added text.

@dfdx would you rather leave this here or pull it into your repo?

It’s time to introduce Compat package to you :slight_smile: Compat makes features from different Julia versions available on other versions, thus providing a good level of compatibility.

# Julia 0.5
using Compat

@__DIR__  # works fine

would you rather leave this here or pull it into your repo?

Given that you are now the main driving force of the package I suggest you to keep the changes in your repo. Later we may want to move it to JuliaText organization for easier discovery (if guys from it won’t mind, of course).

The package is now expanded to include nearly all annotators. pipelines.jl lets you choose one pipeline and one text and then process to confirm pipeline working and the form of the output. scaling.jl lets you run one pipeline on small, medium, and large texts to see the scaling. A typical output is shown below.

It took me a little more than a “few days” :wink: but I needed to learn a few things.

Any critique/suggestions welcome.

index=   1  word=       The  lemma=       the  pos=        DT  ner=         O 
index=   2  word=   success  lemma=   success  pos=        NN  ner=         O 
index=   3  word=        of  lemma=        of  pos=        IN  ner=         O 
index=   4  word=       our  lemma=        we  pos=      PRP$  ner=         O 
index=   5  word=   economy  lemma=   economy  pos=        NN  ner=         O 
index=   6  word=       has  lemma=      have  pos=       VBZ  ner=         O 
index=   7  word=    always  lemma=    always  pos=        RB  ner=         O 
index=   8  word=  depended  lemma=    depend  pos=       VBD  ner=         O 
index=   9  word=       not  lemma=       not  pos=        RB  ner=         O 
index=  10  word=      just  lemma=      just  pos=        RB  ner=         O 
index=  11  word=        on  lemma=        on  pos=        IN  ner=         O 
index=  12  word=       the  lemma=       the  pos=        DT  ner=         O 
index=  13  word=      size  lemma=      size  pos=        NN  ner=         O 
index=  14  word=        of  lemma=        of  pos=        IN  ner=         O 
index=  15  word=       our  lemma=        we  pos=      PRP$  ner=         O 
index=  16  word=     Gross  lemma=     Gross  pos=       NNP  ner=         O 
index=  17  word=  Domestic  lemma=  Domestic  pos=       NNP  ner=         O 
index=  18  word=   Product  lemma=   Product  pos=       NNP  ner=         O 
index=  19  word=         ,  lemma=         ,  pos=         ,  ner=         O 
index=  20  word=       but  lemma=       but  pos=        CC  ner=         O 
index=  21  word=        on  lemma=        on  pos=        IN  ner=         O 
index=  22  word=       the  lemma=       the  pos=        DT  ner=         O 
index=  23  word=     reach  lemma=     reach  pos=        NN  ner=         O 
index=  24  word=        of  lemma=        of  pos=        IN  ner=         O 
index=  25  word=       our  lemma=        we  pos=      PRP$  ner=         O 
index=  26  word=prosperity  lemma=prosperity  pos=        NN  ner=         O 
index=  27  word=         ;  lemma=         ;  pos=         :  ner=         O 
index=  28  word=        on  lemma=        on  pos=        IN  ner=         O 
index=  29  word=       the  lemma=       the  pos=        DT  ner=         O 
index=  30  word=   ability  lemma=   ability  pos=        NN  ner=         O 
index=  31  word=        to  lemma=        to  pos=        TO  ner=         O 
index=  32  word=    extend  lemma=    extend  pos=        VB  ner=         O 
index=  33  word=opportunity  lemma=opportunity  pos=        NN  ner=         O 
index=  34  word=        to  lemma=        to  pos=        TO  ner=         O 
index=  35  word=     every  lemma=     every  pos=        DT  ner=         O 
index=  36  word=   willing  lemma=   willing  pos=        JJ  ner=         O 
index=  37  word=     heart  lemma=     heart  pos=        NN  ner=         O 
index=  38  word=         -  lemma=         -  pos=         :  ner=         O 
index=  39  word=       not  lemma=       not  pos=        RB  ner=         O 
index=  40  word=       out  lemma=       out  pos=        IN  ner=         O 
index=  41  word=        of  lemma=        of  pos=        IN  ner=         O 
index=  42  word=   charity  lemma=   charity  pos=        NN  ner=         O 
index=  43  word=         ,  lemma=         ,  pos=         ,  ner=         O 
index=  44  word=       but  lemma=       but  pos=        CC  ner=         O 
index=  45  word=   because  lemma=   because  pos=        IN  ner=         O 
index=  46  word=        it  lemma=        it  pos=       PRP  ner=         O 
index=  47  word=        is  lemma=        be  pos=       VBZ  ner=         O 
index=  48  word=       the  lemma=       the  pos=        DT  ner=         O 
index=  49  word=    surest  lemma=    surest  pos=       JJS  ner=         O 
index=  50  word=     route  lemma=     route  pos=        NN  ner=         O 
index=  51  word=        to  lemma=        to  pos=        TO  ner=         O 
index=  52  word=       our  lemma=        we  pos=      PRP$  ner=         O 
index=  53  word=    common  lemma=    common  pos=        JJ  ner=         O 
index=  54  word=      good  lemma=      good  pos=        NN  ner=         O 
index=  55  word=         .  lemma=         .  pos=         .  ner=         O 

Parse tree=========
      (NP (DT The) (NN success))
      (PP (IN of)
        (NP (PRP$ our) (NN economy))))
    (VP (VBZ has)
      (ADVP (RB always))
      (VP (VBD depended)
          (CONJP (RB not) (RB just))
          (PP (IN on)
              (NP (DT the) (NN size))
              (PP (IN of)
                (NP (PRP$ our) (NNP Gross) (NNP Domestic) (NNP Product)))))
          (, ,)
          (CC but)
          (PP (IN on)
              (NP (DT the) (NN reach))
              (PP (IN of)
                (NP (PRP$ our) (NN prosperity))))))
        (: ;)
          (PP (IN on)
            (NP (DT the) (NN ability)))
          (VP (TO to)
            (VP (VB extend)
                  (NP (NN opportunity))
                  (PP (TO to)
                    (NP (DT every) (JJ willing) (NN heart))))
                (: -)
                (UCP (RB not)
                  (PP (IN out)
                    (PP (IN of)
                      (NP (NN charity))))
                  (, ,)
                  (CC but)
                  (SBAR (IN because)
                      (NP (PRP it))
                      (VP (VBZ is)
                          (NP (DT the) (JJS surest) (NN route))
                          (PP (TO to)
                            (NP (PRP$ our) (JJ common) (NN good))))))))))))))
    (. .)))

-> depended/VBD (root)
  -> success/NN (nsubj)
    -> The/DT (det)
    -> economy/NN (nmod)
      -> of/IN (case)
      -> our/PRP$ (nmod:poss)
  -> has/VBZ (aux)
  -> always/RB (advmod)
  -> size/NN (dobj)
    -> not/RB (neg)
    -> just/RB (advmod)
    -> on/IN (case)
    -> the/DT (det)
    -> Product/NNP (nmod)
      -> of/IN (case)
      -> our/PRP$ (nmod:poss)
      -> Gross/NNP (compound)
      -> Domestic/NNP (compound)
  -> ,/, (punct)
  -> but/CC (cc)
  -> reach/NN (conj)
    -> on/IN (case)
    -> the/DT (det)
    -> prosperity/NN (nmod)
      -> of/IN (case)
      -> our/PRP$ (nmod:poss)
    -> ;/: (punct)
    -> ability/NN (nmod)
      -> on/IN (case)
      -> the/DT (det)
      -> extend/VB (acl)
        -> to/TO (mark)
        -> opportunity/NN (dobj)
        -> heart/NN (nmod)
          -> to/TO (case)
          -> every/DT (det)
          -> willing/JJ (amod)
      -> -/: (punct)
      -> charity/NN (nmod)
        -> not/RB (neg)
        -> out/IN (case)
        -> of/IN (case)
      -> ,/, (punct)
      -> but/CC (cc)
      -> route/NN (conj)
        -> because/IN (mark)
        -> it/PRP (nsubj)
        -> is/VBZ (cop)
        -> the/DT (det)
        -> surest/JJS (amod)
        -> good/NN (nmod)
          -> to/TO (case)
          -> our/PRP$ (nmod:poss)
          -> common/JJ (amod)
  -> ./. (punct)

-> depended/VBD (root)
  -> success/NN (nsubj)
    -> The/DT (det)
    -> economy/NN (nmod:of)
      -> of/IN (case)
      -> our/PRP$ (nmod:poss)
  -> has/VBZ (aux)
  -> always/RB (advmod)
  -> size/NN (dobj)
    -> not/RB (neg)
    -> just/RB (advmod)
    -> on/IN (case)
    -> the/DT (det)
    -> Product/NNP (nmod:of)
      -> of/IN (case)
      -> our/PRP$ (nmod:poss)
      -> Gross/NNP (compound)
      -> Domestic/NNP (compound)
  -> ,/, (punct)
  -> but/CC (cc)
  -> reach/NN (conj:but)
    -> on/IN (case)
    -> the/DT (det)
    -> prosperity/NN (nmod:of)
      -> of/IN (case)
      -> our/PRP$ (nmod:poss)
    -> ;/: (punct)
    -> ability/NN (nmod:on)
      -> on/IN (case)
      -> the/DT (det)
      -> extend/VB (acl)
        -> to/TO (mark)
        -> opportunity/NN (dobj)
        -> heart/NN (nmod:to)
          -> to/TO (case)
          -> every/DT (det)
          -> willing/JJ (amod)
      -> -/: (punct)
      -> charity/NN (nmod:out_of)
        -> not/RB (neg)
        -> out/IN (case)
          -> of/IN (mwe)
      -> ,/, (punct)
      -> but/CC (cc)
      -> route/NN (conj:but)
        -> because/IN (mark)
        -> it/PRP (nsubj)
        -> is/VBZ (cop)
        -> the/DT (det)
        -> surest/JJS (amod)
        -> good/NN (nmod:to)
          -> to/TO (case)
          -> our/PRP$ (nmod:poss)
          -> common/JJ (amod)
  -> ./. (punct)

-> depended/VBD (root)
  -> success/NN (nsubj)
    -> The/DT (det)
    -> economy/NN (nmod:of)
      -> of/IN (case)
      -> our/PRP$ (nmod:poss)
  -> has/VBZ (aux)
  -> always/RB (advmod)
  -> size/NN (dobj)
    -> not/RB (neg)
    -> just/RB (advmod)
    -> on/IN (case)
    -> the/DT (det)
    -> Product/NNP (nmod:of)
      -> of/IN (case)
      -> our/PRP$ (nmod:poss)
      -> Gross/NNP (compound)
      -> Domestic/NNP (compound)
  -> ,/, (punct)
  -> but/CC (cc)
  -> reach/NN (conj:but)
    -> on/IN (case)
    -> the/DT (det)
    -> prosperity/NN (nmod:of)
      -> of/IN (case)
      -> our/PRP$ (nmod:poss)
    -> ;/: (punct)
    -> ability/NN (nmod:on)
      -> on/IN (case)
      -> the/DT (det)
      -> extend/VB (acl)
        -> to/TO (mark)
        -> opportunity/NN (dobj)
        -> heart/NN (nmod:to)
          -> to/TO (case)
          -> every/DT (det)
          -> willing/JJ (amod)
      -> -/: (punct)
      -> charity/NN (nmod:out_of)
        -> not/RB (neg)
        -> out/IN (case)
          -> of/IN (mwe)
      -> ,/, (punct)
      -> but/CC (cc)
      -> route/NN (conj:but)
        -> because/IN (mark)
        -> it/PRP (nsubj)
        -> is/VBZ (cop)
        -> the/DT (det)
        -> surest/JJS (amod)
        -> good/NN (nmod:to)
          -> to/TO (case)
          -> our/PRP$ (nmod:poss)
          -> common/JJ (amod)
    -> route/NN (nmod:on)
  -> ./. (punct)

root(ROOT-0, depended-8)
det(success-2, The-1)
nsubj(depended-8, success-2)
case(economy-5, of-3)
nmod:poss(economy-5, our-4)
nmod(success-2, economy-5)
aux(depended-8, has-6)
advmod(depended-8, always-7)
neg(size-13, not-9)
advmod(size-13, just-10)
case(size-13, on-11)
det(size-13, the-12)
dobj(depended-8, size-13)
case(Product-18, of-14)
nmod:poss(Product-18, our-15)
compound(Product-18, Gross-16)
compound(Product-18, Domestic-17)
nmod(size-13, Product-18)
punct(depended-8, ,-19)
cc(depended-8, but-20)
case(reach-23, on-21)
det(reach-23, the-22)
conj(depended-8, reach-23)
case(prosperity-26, of-24)
nmod:poss(prosperity-26, our-25)
nmod(reach-23, prosperity-26)
punct(reach-23, ;-27)
case(ability-30, on-28)
det(ability-30, the-29)
nmod(reach-23, ability-30)
mark(extend-32, to-31)
acl(ability-30, extend-32)
dobj(extend-32, opportunity-33)
case(heart-37, to-34)
det(heart-37, every-35)
amod(heart-37, willing-36)
nmod(extend-32, heart-37)
punct(ability-30, --38)
neg(charity-42, not-39)
case(charity-42, out-40)
case(charity-42, of-41)
nmod(ability-30, charity-42)
punct(ability-30, ,-43)
cc(ability-30, but-44)
mark(route-50, because-45)
nsubj(route-50, it-46)
cop(route-50, is-47)
det(route-50, the-48)
amod(route-50, surest-49)
conj(ability-30, route-50)
case(good-54, to-51)
nmod:poss(good-54, our-52)
amod(good-54, common-53)
nmod(route-50, good-54)
punct(depended-8, .-55)

root(ROOT-0, depended-8)
det(success-2, The-1)
nsubj(depended-8, success-2)
case(economy-5, of-3)
nmod:poss(economy-5, our-4)
nmod:of(success-2, economy-5)
aux(depended-8, has-6)
advmod(depended-8, always-7)
neg(size-13, not-9)
advmod(size-13, just-10)
case(size-13, on-11)
det(size-13, the-12)
dobj(depended-8, size-13)
case(Product-18, of-14)
nmod:poss(Product-18, our-15)
compound(Product-18, Gross-16)
compound(Product-18, Domestic-17)
nmod:of(size-13, Product-18)
punct(depended-8, ,-19)
cc(depended-8, but-20)
case(reach-23, on-21)
det(reach-23, the-22)
conj:but(depended-8, reach-23)
case(prosperity-26, of-24)
nmod:poss(prosperity-26, our-25)
nmod:of(reach-23, prosperity-26)
punct(reach-23, ;-27)
case(ability-30, on-28)
det(ability-30, the-29)
nmod:on(reach-23, ability-30)
mark(extend-32, to-31)
acl(ability-30, extend-32)
dobj(extend-32, opportunity-33)
case(heart-37, to-34)
det(heart-37, every-35)
amod(heart-37, willing-36)
nmod:to(extend-32, heart-37)
punct(ability-30, --38)
neg(charity-42, not-39)
case(charity-42, out-40)
mwe(out-40, of-41)
nmod:out_of(ability-30, charity-42)
punct(ability-30, ,-43)
cc(ability-30, but-44)
mark(route-50, because-45)
nsubj(route-50, it-46)
cop(route-50, is-47)
det(route-50, the-48)
amod(route-50, surest-49)
conj:but(ability-30, route-50)
case(good-54, to-51)
nmod:poss(good-54, our-52)
amod(good-54, common-53)
nmod:to(route-50, good-54)
punct(depended-8, .-55)

root(ROOT-0, depended-8)
det(success-2, The-1)
nsubj(depended-8, success-2)
case(economy-5, of-3)
nmod:poss(economy-5, our-4)
nmod:of(success-2, economy-5)
aux(depended-8, has-6)
advmod(depended-8, always-7)
neg(size-13, not-9)
advmod(size-13, just-10)
case(size-13, on-11)
det(size-13, the-12)
dobj(depended-8, size-13)
case(Product-18, of-14)
nmod:poss(Product-18, our-15)
compound(Product-18, Gross-16)
compound(Product-18, Domestic-17)
nmod:of(size-13, Product-18)
punct(depended-8, ,-19)
cc(depended-8, but-20)
case(reach-23, on-21)
det(reach-23, the-22)
conj:but(depended-8, reach-23)
case(prosperity-26, of-24)
nmod:poss(prosperity-26, our-25)
nmod:of(reach-23, prosperity-26)
punct(reach-23, ;-27)
case(ability-30, on-28)
det(ability-30, the-29)
nmod:on(reach-23, ability-30)
mark(extend-32, to-31)
acl(ability-30, extend-32)
dobj(extend-32, opportunity-33)
case(heart-37, to-34)
det(heart-37, every-35)
amod(heart-37, willing-36)
nmod:to(extend-32, heart-37)
punct(ability-30, --38)
neg(charity-42, not-39)
case(charity-42, out-40)
mwe(out-40, of-41)
nmod:out_of(ability-30, charity-42)
punct(ability-30, ,-43)
cc(ability-30, but-44)
mark(route-50, because-45)
nsubj(route-50, it-46)
cop(route-50, is-47)
det(route-50, the-48)
amod(route-50, surest-49)
nmod:on(reach-23, route-50)
conj:but(ability-30, route-50)
case(good-54, to-51)
nmod:poss(good-54, our-52)
amod(good-54, common-53)
nmod:to(route-50, good-54)
punct(depended-8, .-55)

Relations Triples=========
to our common good
The success of our economy
our economy
not just on the size of our Gross Domestic Product
our Gross Domestic Product
the reach of our prosperity ; on the ability to extend opportunity to every willing heart - not out of charity , but because it is the surest route to our common good
our prosperity
the ability to extend opportunity to every willing heart - not out of charity , but because it is the surest route to our common good
to every willing heart
not out of charity
the surest route to our common good

 Coref Chains=========
CHAIN32-["our government" in sentence 2, "it" in sentence 2, "it" in sentence 2, "their government" in sentence 5]
CHAIN2-["the cynics" in sentence 1, "them" in sentence 1]
CHAIN50-["the market" in sentence 6, "Its" in sentence 7, "this crisis" in sentence 7, "the market" in sentence 7]
CHAIN66-["our Gross Domestic Product" in sentence 8, "it" in sentence 8]
CHAIN20-["the answer" in sentence 3, "the answer" in sentence 4]
CHAIN6-["families" in sentence 2, "they" in sentence 2]
CHAIN28-["us" in sentence 1, "we" in sentence 2, "our" in sentence 2, "we" in sentence 3, "us" in sentence 5, "our" in sentence 5, "we" in sentence 5, "us" in sentence 6, "us" in sentence 7, "our" in sentence 8, "our" in sentence 8, "our" in sentence 8, "our" in sentence 8]
CHAIN45-["a nation" in sentence 7, "it" in sentence 7]
CHAIN31-["a people" in sentence 5, "their" in sentence 5]

Annotation pipeline timing information:
TokenizerAnnotator: 0.1 sec.
WordsToSentencesAnnotator: 0.0 sec.
POSTaggerAnnotator: 0.1 sec.
MorphaAnnotator: 0.1 sec.
ParserAnnotator: 8.7 sec.
DependencyParseAnnotator: 1.3 sec.
NERCombinerAnnotator: 2.3 sec.
NaturalLogicAnnotator: 0.3 sec.
MentionAnnotator: 0.0 sec.
CorefAnnotator: 3.0 sec.
OpenIE: 2.7 sec.
TOTAL: 18.6 sec. for 265 tokens at 14.2 tokens/sec.