Hello Everyone, I’ve just installed Julia and Convex.jl (package for convex optimisation) and things work fine as long as my variables are real, e.g.
using Convex
using SCS
x = Variable()
And then I can optimise. However, I want to deal with complex variables. According to http://convexjl.readthedocs.io/en/latest/complex-domain_optimization.html
this should just work if I type
x = ComplexVariable()
Unfortunately, what I get is:
ERROR: UndefVarError: ComplexVariable not defined
I guess I must be missing a package or something… Could anyone help me to figure this out? Thanks a lot.
In case this matters:
julia> versioninfo()
Julia Version 0.5.0
Commit 3c9d753* (2016-09-19 18:14 UTC)
Platform Info:
System: Linux (x86_64-suse-linux)
CPU: Intel(R) Core™ i3-2350M CPU @ 2.30GHz
BLAS: libopenblas (DYNAMIC_ARCH NO_AFFINITY Sandybridge)
LAPACK: libopenblas_openmp.so.0
LIBM: libopenlibm
LLVM: libLLVM-3.7.1 (ORCJIT, sandybridge)
julia> Pkg.installed()
Dict{String,VersionNumber} with 24 entries:
“NaNMath” => v"0.2.2"
“ForwardDiff” => v"0.3.3"
“Optim” => v"0.7.4"
“JuMP” => v"0.15.0"
“Conda” => v"0.4.0"
“LineSearches” => v"0.1.3"
“DiffBase” => v"0.0.2"
“SHA” => v"0.3.0"
“Lazy” => v"0.11.4"
“ReverseDiffSparse” => v"0.6.0"
“ZMQ” => v"0.4.0"
“JSON” => v"0.8.0"
“DataStructures” => v"0.5.1"
“Compat” => v"0.11.0"
“IJulia” => v"1.3.3"
“SCS” => v"0.2.7"
“Calculus” => v"0.1.15"
“MathProgBase” => v"0.5.8"
“MacroTools” => v"0.3.4"
“BinDeps” => v"0.4.5"
“Convex” => v"0.4.0"
“PositiveFactorizations” => v"0.0.3"
“Nettle” => v"0.2.4"
“URIParser” => v"0.1.6"