Convex.jl: variables "disappearing" in cumulative constraint


I am trying to build a sort of L_2-norm constraint piecewise, using
code like this (simplified form of the actual code):

    x = [Convex.Variable(m*s+2r, m*s+2r) for _ in 1:N];
    for t in 1:N
        @debug "x[$(t)].id_hash is: " x[t]

    Β± = [-1.0, +1.0];  # well, Julia does allow crazy variable names
    total = 0;
    for t in 1:N
        @info "Starting computation of constraint A[$(t)] at $(now()) ..."
        # 1. introduce sign perturbation `R`
        a1 = (rand(Β±, size(x[t])) .* x[t]) + x[1];
        # 2. 2D-convolution with PSF matrix `Q`
        a2, cs = conv2d(Q, a1);
        @debug "Result of conv2d(Q,x): " a2
        # 3. build contraint
        for i in 1:s, j in 1:s
            total += a2[i,j] * a2[i,j];
    end;  # for t
    constraint = (total < 42);
    @debug "final constraint is: " constraint

Now the first 3 debug lines show that all involved variables have different IDs; in the final constraint however, all variable IDs are the one of x[1]. Here’s an excerpt from the logs:

DEBUG: x[1].id_hash is id: 18435402678986543539
DEBUG: x[2].id_hash is id: 2006040311771778825
DEBUG: x[3].id_hash is id: 4770220102282770796
DEBUG: x[4].id_hash is id: 384228606706033487
DEBUG: x[5].id_hash is id: 10429728996535255788
[ Info: Starting computation of constraint A[1] at 2020-03-14T08:22:23.864 ...
β”Œ Debug: Entering conv2d(Q,x):
β”‚   x =
β”‚    + (affine; real)
β”‚    β”œβ”€ .* (affine; real)
β”‚    β”‚  β”œβ”€ 102Γ—102 Array{Float64,2}
β”‚    β”‚  └─ 102Γ—102 real variable (id: 18435402678986543539)
β”‚    └─ 102Γ—102 real variable (id: 18435402678986543539)
β”” @ Main ~/w/BEAM.jl/issue.jl:26
DEBUG: x_padded.id_hash=id: 6461239074267313883
β”Œ Debug: Result of conv2d(Q,x):
β”‚   a2 =
β”‚    index (affine; real)
β”‚    └─ reshape (affine; real)
β”‚       └─ * (affine; real)
β”‚          β”œβ”€ 14884Γ—12424 SparseMatrixCSC{Float64,Int64}
β”‚          └─ index (affine; real)
β”‚             └─ reshape (affine; real)
β”‚                └─ 122Γ—122 real variable (id: 6461239074267313883)
β”” @ Main ~/w/BEAM.jl/issue.jl:100
β”Œ Debug: final constraint is:
β”‚   constraint =
β”‚    <= constraint (convex)
β”‚    β”œβ”€ + (convex; positive)
β”‚    β”‚  β”œβ”€ 0
β”‚    β”‚  β”œβ”€ qol_elem (convex; positive)
β”‚    β”‚  β”‚  β”œβ”€ index (affine; real)
β”‚    β”‚  β”‚  β”‚  └─ index (affine; real)
β”‚    β”‚  β”‚  β”‚     └─ reshape (affine; real)
β”‚    β”‚  β”‚  β”‚        └─ * (affine; real)
β”‚    β”‚  β”‚  β”‚           β”œβ”€ 14884Γ—12424 SparseMatrixCSC{Float64,Int64}
β”‚    β”‚  β”‚  β”‚           └─ index (affine; real)
β”‚    β”‚  β”‚  β”‚              └─ reshape (affine; real)
β”‚    β”‚  β”‚  β”‚                 └─ 122Γ—122 real variable (id: 6461239074267313883)
β”‚    β”‚  β”‚  └─ [1.0]
β”‚    β”‚  β”œβ”€ qol_elem (convex; positive)
β”‚    β”‚  β”‚  β”œβ”€ index (affine; real)
β”‚    β”‚  β”‚  β”‚  └─ index (affine; real)
β”‚    β”‚  β”‚  β”‚     └─ reshape (affine; real)
β”‚    β”‚  β”‚  β”‚        └─ * (affine; real)
β”‚    β”‚  β”‚  β”‚           β”œβ”€ 14884Γ—12424 SparseMatrixCSC{Float64,Int64}
β”‚    β”‚  β”‚  β”‚           └─ index (affine; real)
β”‚    β”‚  β”‚  β”‚              └─ reshape (affine; real)
β”‚    β”‚  β”‚  β”‚                 └─ 122Γ—122 real variable (id: 6461239074267313883)
β”‚    β”‚  β”‚  └─ [1.0]

I’m relatively new to both Julia and Convex.jl so it’s possible that I’m doing something wrong here, but I cannot see any issue in the code…

Thanks for any suggestion!

Here’s a complete working example for reproducing the output above:

import Convex;
Convex.MAXDIGITS[] = 32;  # show IDs in full
Convex.MAXWIDTH[] = 120;
Convex.MAXDEPTH[] = 12;

using SparseArrays;
using Dates: now;

# parameters controlling the size of the problem
const N = 5;
const r = 10;
const m = 2;
const s = 4*r + 1;

# generate fake data
Q = randn(2r+1,2r+1);

y = zeros(s,s,N);
for t = 1:N
    y[:, :, t] .= sprand(Float64, s, s, 0.15);

# aux functions
function conv2d(Q, x)
    @debug "Entering conv2d(Q,x): " x
    Q_hat = make_conv2d_matrix(Q, size(x));
    return conv2d(Q_hat, size(Q), x);
end  # conv2d/2

function conv2d(Q_hat, Q_size, x)
    m, n = Q_size;
    k, l = size(x);
    C_rows = m + k - 1;
    C_cols = n + l -1;

    x_padded = Convex.Variable(C_rows, C_cols);
    @debug "x_padded.id_hash=$(Convex.show_id(x_padded))";
    constraints = [
        x_padded[1:k,       1:l] == x,
        x_padded[(k+1):end, :] == 0,
        x_padded[1:k,       (l+1):end] == 0,
    x_vector = vec(x_padded)[1 : (l-1)*(m+k-1)+k];

    C_vector = Q_hat * x_vector;
    C = reshape(C_vector, C_rows, C_cols);

    return (C[m:k, n:l], constraints)
end  # conv2d/3

function make_conv2d_matrix(Q, sz::Tuple{Int, Int})
    m, n = size(Q);
    k, l = sz;

    Z_rows = m+k-1;
    Z_cols = n+l-1;

    Q_padded = zeros(Z_rows, Z_cols);
    Q_padded[1:m, 1:n] .= Q;
    Q_vec = vec(Q_padded)[1 : (n-1)*(m+k-1)+m];

    return make_conv1d_matrix(Q_vec, (l-1)*(m+k-1)+k);
end  # make_conv2D_matrix

function make_conv1d_matrix(v::AbstractVector, n::Int)
    m = length(v);

    # It is much more efficient to construct sparse matrices
    # this way rather than starting from `spzeros` and indexing into it.
    Is = Int[]
    Js = Int[]
    Vs = eltype(v)[]
    for i = 1:n
        for (ind, j) = enumerate(i:m+i-1:i)
            push!(Is, i)
            push!(Js, j)
            push!(Vs, v[ind])
    return sparse(Is, Js, Vs, m+n-1, n);
end  # make_conv1D_matrix

# main
function main()
    x = [Convex.Variable(m*s+2r, m*s+2r) for _ in 1:N];
    for t in 1:N
        @debug "x[$(t)].id_hash=$(Convex.show_id(x[t]))"

    Β± = [-1.0, +1.0];  # well, Julia does allow crazy variable names
    total = 0;
    for t in 1:N
        @info "Starting computation of constraint A[$(t)] at $(now()) ..."
        # 1. introduce sign perturbation `R`
        #a1 = x[1] + (rand(Β±, size(x[t])) .* x[t]);
        a1 = (rand(Β±, size(x[t])) .* x[t]);
        # 2. 2D-convolution with PSF matrix `Q`
        a2, cs = conv2d(Q, a1);
        @debug "Result of conv2d(Q,x): " a2
        # 3. build contraint
        for i in 1:s, j in 1:s
            total += a2[i,j] * a2[i,j];
    end;  # for t
    constraint = (total < 42);
    @debug "final constraint is: " constraint
end  # main


Edit: Simplified MWE a bit.

I don’t think they are all the same, it’s just that the same variable appears many times before another variable shows up. If you set

Convex.MAXWIDTH[] = typemax(Int);
Convex.MAXDEPTH[] = typemax(Int);

to unrestrict the amount of printing, and then print the final constraint, you’ll see other ids too if you scroll down enough.

As a possibly nicer way to check this, we can use the fact that Convex.jl’s objects support the AbstractTree interface. First, we modify main to return constraint, and then run

constraint = main()

using AbstractTrees
counts = Dict()
for node in AbstractTrees.Leaves(constraint)
    if node isa Convex.Variable
        current_count = get(counts, node.id_hash, 0)
        counts[node.id_hash] = current_count + 1

which yields

julia> counts
Dict{Any,Any} with 5 entries:
  0x21104573583c0ed2 => 1681
  0x3c713c740f42a9bb => 1681
  0xf335f373fd14a1c0 => 1681
  0x764bd22d8542bb71 => 1681
  0x94d7782e4003012a => 1681

That is, we’ve found 5 different variables, which each appear 1681 times in constraints. Note I used AbstractTrees.Leaves which only iterates over the β€œleaves” of the tree, meaning the nodes with no children, since this is where variables appear; in other cases you might want a depth-first search or similar (shown in the linked docs).

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Many thanks @ericphanson ! you’re right, I was not printing enough of the tree. (And thanks for the AbstractTrees tip, it’s indeed much better than perusing logs.)

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