Searchable documentation suggests that a way to convert a DataFrame to a Matrix is just
Previously, this worked with (combined) Pooled DataFrames
but something seems to have changed in a recent update, and the above no longer seems to work.
Now, when I try to run this, I get the error
MethodError: Cannot `convert` an object of type
DataFrame to an object of type
Matrix{T} where T
Closest candidates are:
convert(::Type{Matrix{T} where T}, ::PooledArrays.PooledMatrix{T, R, RA} where RA) where {T, R} at /home/davide/.julia/packages/PooledArrays/jKDrZ/src/PooledArrays.jl:506
convert(::Type{Matrix{T} where T}, ::DataValues.DataValueMatrix{T}) where T at /home/davide/.julia/packages/DataValues/N7oeL/src/array/primitives.jl:287
convert(::Type{Matrix{T} where T}, ::DataValues.DataValueMatrix{T}, ::Any) where T at /home/davide/.julia/packages/DataValues/N7oeL/src/array/primitives.jl:319
Obviously some new specification must be required.
Can anyone help me please? This must be a recent change because the code worked before I updated.
Ah - now I understand what OP meant. Thank you for caring to explain. We really care to clean-up outdated recommendations on the web. That is why I have investigated.