I am loading images using FileIO.jl
I want to convert the output into a Planar Format of the appropriate element type.
I want to achieve this without any farther dependencies, so channelview()
as in Most idomatic way to convert an Images.jl Image to a 3-d array? is not available.
The problem I have is figuring and supporting all the different formats of used the by the Julia Images.
I don’t mind solving it in a brute force using a loop but I need to solve the following 2 sub problems:
- How to extract the number of channels given the image array.
- How to map the elements into the regular element types (
and Floatx
I am struggling with finding a robust and global solution to this.
For instance:
using FileIO;
img001Url = "https://i.stack.imgur.com/WsSFV.png";
mT = load(download(img001Url));
The type of mT
is Matrix{RGBA{N0f8}}
so it has 4 channels (RGBA -> 4
) and uses UInt8
(N0f8 -> UInt8
But sometimes there are Gray
and N0f16
etc… So I wonder if there is something elegant to do here.
I got something like:
using ColorTypes;
using FileIO;
function ConvertJuliaImgArray001(mI :: Matrix{<: TransparentColor{C, T, N}}) where {C, T, N}
numRows, numCols = size(mI);
numChannels = N;
dataType = T.types[1];
if numChannels > 1
mO = Array{dataType, 3}(undef, numRows, numCols, numChannels);
for ii ∈ 1:numRows, jj ∈ 1:numCols
for kk ∈ 1:numChannels
mO[ii, jj, kk] = getfield(getfield(mI[ii, jj], kk), 1); #<! Accordign to ColorTypes data always in order RGBA
mO = Matrix{dataType}(undef, numRows, numCols);
for ii ∈ 1:numRows, jj ∈ 1:numCols
mO[ii, jj] = getfield(mI[ii, jj], 1);
return mO;
Similarly I created for mI :: Matrix{<: Color{T, N}}
and mI :: Matrix{<: Color{T, 1}}
It requires ColorTypes.jl
yet since it is a dependency of FileIO.jl
I am OK with this.
What I’m not sure is about getfield()
. Is there anything more robust or that is the correct way to access the data?
I would be tempted to start with reinterpret(dataType, mI)
and go from there.
Edit: Or actually reinterpret(reshape, dataType, mI)
, which I just found out that it was added in Julia 1.6.
@GunnarFarneback , I think walking that path requires the function channelview()
Can you think a way to avoid it with the path you suggested?
In what way do you need channelview
to make use of reinterpret
? Is there some specific piece of information you’re missing?
As far as I know reshape()
can not change the order in memory, only the strides.
Since images, by default in the Julia Images eco system, are in packed format (R1G1B1R2G2B3...
) you can’t convert it into planar form (R1R2R3...G1G2G3...B1B2B3...
If you have a code sample, I’d like to try.
I fail to see the difficulty so I guess I’m missing something. Do you want something significantly different from this?
x = rand(RGB{N0f16}, 4, 5)
y = permutedims(reinterpret(reshape, UInt16, x), (2, 3, 1))
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I tried it again and it worked.
I am not sure why I was under the impression channelview()
is required.
Thank You.