Hello everyone,
I’ve been using Matlab for years but now I would like to move to Julia, however I’m having some doubts regarding equivalent functions in Julia.
The problem is, in matlab I use the function buffer (Buffer signal vector into matrix of data frames - MATLAB buffer) and now I would like to use the same one in Julia.
Do you know the equivalent function of buffer in Julia.
Thank you in advance!
I have used Matlab, but not that function.
Perhaps the partition function in the Iterators package would work for you?
Likewise I have not used that function. Rather for that functionality I use:
j = 1 # start of first block
k = j + bs - 1 # block finish location
npoint = length(data)
# numfreq = floor(Int, bs/2.56) + 1
Δf = fs/bs
numfreq = floor(Int, fmax/Δf) + 1
# @show(npoint, bs, overlap)
numavg = floor(Int, (npoint-bs*overlap)/(bs*(1.0-overlap))) # works if no synchonous avg
indadd = floor(Int, bs*(1.0 - overlap)) # indicies to add for next block
# @show(numfreq, numavg, indadd)
bs is block size (frame size)
fs is sampling frequency
Thank you Jake for your help.
However, I was expecting to obtain a matrix, not a number.
Probably I’m doing something wrong…
Thank you in advance for your time.
The partition
function from IterTools package is more appropriate ( partition ). In Julia 1.9:
julia> import IterTools as Itr
julia> v = [1:10...]
10-element Vector{Int64}:
julia> Itr.partition(v,4,2) .|> collect |> splat(hcat)
4×4 Matrix{Int64}:
1 3 5 7
2 4 6 8
3 5 7 9
4 6 8 10
The parameters 4
and 2
of partition
determine the ‘length’ and ‘step’ of the frames.
Sounds like you want something like:
@views buffer(X, n, p=0) = [X[i:i+n-1] for i in firstindex(X):n-p:lastindex(X)-n+1]
This returns an array of views of X
rather than copies.
If you want to stack these “frames” into a matrix, similar to Matlab, you can do stack(buffer(X, n, p))
, but I would eventually try to re-think your code to avoid making copies of all the data like this. (In general, Matlab contorts you into a particular “vectorized” style of programming because Matlab loops are slow, and there is often a faster and more natural way to do things in Julia once you get used to it.)
julia> stack(buffer(1:11, 3, 1))
3×5 Matrix{Int64}:
1 3 5 7 9
2 4 6 8 10
3 5 7 9 11
I’m not sure if this is exactly the desired output? I don’t have Matlab handy, but the GNU Octave buffer
function puts zeros at the beginning and end for some reason:
octave:1> buffer(1:11, 3, 1)
ans =
0 2 4 6 8 10
1 3 5 7 9 11
2 4 6 8 10 0
You could easily tweak my implementation above to do this, e.g. by first zero-padding X
(or, to avoid copies, by wrapping X
in a zero-PaddedView
from PaddedViews.jl). (The explicit-loop implementation by @GunnarFarneback in another thread has the zero-padding built-in, but doesn’t return views.)