Thus each dimension of the initial array forms a column in the DataFrame and the last column is always the value column. For 2-dimensional arrays I can get this format in the following way:
using DataFrames
A=reshape(1:24, 2,3,4)
idx=[Symbol("index$i") for i in 1:ndims(A)]
nts=[(;zip(idx,Tuple(t))...) for t in CartesianIndices(A)]
or more succinctly
DataFrame([(;zip([idx;:values],(i.I...,a))...) for (i,a) in zip(CartesianIndices(A),A)])
ERROR: ArgumentError: DataFrame constructor from a Matrix requires passing :auto as a second argument to automatically generate column names: DataFrame(matrix, :auto)
it still remains to be clarified why in the 3-dimensional case the Cartesian index matrix works without the need to vectorize, while in the 2-dimensional case it does not.
The inconsistency, in my view, is about a different aspect.
The following expression [(; zip ([idx;: values], (i.I ..., a)) ...) for (i, a) in zip (CartesianIndices (A), A)]
produces an Array {T, 3} in case A = reshape (1:24, 3,2,4)
and a Matrix {T} in the case A = reshape (1:12, 3,4).
Being, ultimately, Matrix {T} == Array {T, 2}, I don’t understand why the DataFrame constructor provides the expected result for the case nsdims = 3 and not for the case ndims = 2.
T is NamedTuple
For the sake of clarity, I would expect it to not work in either case, without explicit vectorization.