What is the best practice for go back and forth between a NTuple{N,UInt8} where N and a String?
x = "Dfsddfs"
a = ntuple(i -> i <= ncodeunits(x) ? codeunit(x,i) : 0x0, 10 + 1)
function _ntuple_to_string(x)
r = Ref(x)
GC.@preserve r unsafe_string(Ptr{Cchar}(pointer_from_objref(r)))
julia> _ntuple_to_string(a)
Using unsafe_string like this seems pretty unsafe. (For one thing, you are assuming that the tuple-data is NUL-terminated because you didn’t pass a length. I’m surprised it doesn’t crash. Oh, I see, you explicitly NUL-terminated your tuple.)
I would do something like:
function ntuple_to_string(t::NTuple{N,UInt8}) where N
b = Base.StringVector(N) # or N-1 if your tuples are NUL-terminated
return String(b .= t) # or t[1:N-1]
But you could alternatively use an ordinary Vector, at the price of making an extra copy of the data. Or use an ordinary Vector with StringViews.jl to avoid the copy.