In 1.0 the new logging system has the @debug macro which only gets run if you turn on debug logging so no loss in performance. I can’t however figure out how to change the log level to get @debug messages to be printed. I’ve tried:
julia> using Logger
julia> disable_logging(LogLevel(-100000))
julia> @debug "hi"
But still can’t turn on logging of @debug messages. I’ve tried searching github but can’t find anyone using @debug logging macros. I would like so see a few examples:
How to turn on @debug macros for a single function body?
How to turn it on globally?
How to enable it in the REPL for all future commands?
You need to establish a new logger, since they are immutable:
julia-1.0> logger=Logging.SimpleLogger(stderr,Logging.Debug)
Base.CoreLogging.SimpleLogger(Base.TTY(RawFD(0x0000000f) open, 0 bytes waiting), Debug, Dict{Any,Int64}())
julia-1.0> function foo(x)
if x<5
@debug "small"
@info "big"
foo (generic function with 1 method)
julia-1.0> Logging.with_logger(logger) do
┌ Info: big
└ @ Main REPL[37]:5
┌ Debug: small
└ @ Main REPL[37]:3
You can swap out the one generally in use with global_logger (save the normal one with current_logger).