not sure it’s the right place to ask the question, I’ll be happy to ask elsewhere if it’s the case.
The following code is based on this blog post on Medium.
I’m calling basemap through PyCall and when I execute the following code I get the right results, but it triggers a figure. I was wondering how to prevent the figure from appearing. The figure appears when the line poly_paths = m[:drawcoastlines]()[:get_paths]()
is executed.
Thanks for any help!
using PlotlyJS
using PyPlot
using PyCall
const basemap = PyNULL()
copy!(basemap, pyimport_conda("mpl_toolkits.basemap", "basemap"))
m = basemap[:Basemap]()
function polygons_to_traces(poly_paths, N_poly)
pos arg 1. (poly_paths): paths to polygons
pos arg 2. (N_poly): number of polygon to convert
# init. plotting list
data = Dict(
"x" => [],
"y" => [],
"mode" => "lines",
"line" => line(color="black"),
"name" => ""
for i_poly in 1:N_poly
poly_path = poly_paths[i_poly]
# get the Basemap coordinates of each segment
coords_cc = [vertex for vertex in poly_path[:vertices]]
# convert coordinates to lon/lat by 'inverting' the Basemap projection
lon_cc, lat_cc = m(coords_cc[:,1],coords_cc[:,2], inverse=true)
# add plot.ly plotting options
append!(data["x"], [lon_cc; NaN])
# push!(data["x"], NaN)
append!(data["y"], [lat_cc; NaN])
# push!(data["y"], NaN)
return data
function get_coastline_traces()
poly_paths = m[:drawcoastlines]()[:get_paths](); # coastline polygon paths
N_poly = 91
return polygons_to_traces(poly_paths, N_poly)
coastlines = get_coastline_traces()