Control on density plot marker shape and color

I am trying to plot different probability densities on the same plot from a data frame, based on a group. However, there is an overlap on the lines and I need to use different marker shapes and colors for better visibility. How can I have control of it? I am using the following command:

@df total density(:ProteinA, group = (:Type), legend = :topright,

xtickfontsize=15,ytickfontsize=15,guidefontsize=19, legendfontsize = 14, size=(900,800), linewidth=3,


Thank you

With StatsPlots.jl it is possible to change the marker styles and/or the line styles in the density plots:

However, for the scatter series type, AFAIK there seems to be no way to control the minimum spacing between the markers (see also this post).

Thank you for your answer! However, It is unclear how to pick the marker style for each group separately from the documentation. I tried to do it that way:

@df total density(:ProteinA, group = (:Type), legend = :topright,
xtickfontsize=15,ytickfontsize=15,guidefontsize=19, legendfontsize = 14, size=(900,800), linewidth=3,
xlimits=(0.0, Inf), marker = (:circle, :diamond, :square, :rect, :cross, :xcross, :octagon))

but I get the following warning:

┌ Warning: Skipped marker arg diamond.
└ @ Plots C:\Users\memmo\.julia\packages\Plots\Ec1L1\src\args.jl:1149
┌ Warning: Skipped marker arg square.
└ @ Plots C:\Users\memmo\.julia\packages\Plots\Ec1L1\src\args.jl:1149
┌ Warning: Skipped marker arg rect.
└ @ Plots C:\Users\memmo\.julia\packages\Plots\Ec1L1\src\args.jl:1149
┌ Warning: Skipped marker arg cross.
└ @ Plots C:\Users\memmo\.julia\packages\Plots\Ec1L1\src\args.jl:1149
┌ Warning: Skipped marker arg xcross.
└ @ Plots C:\Users\memmo\.julia\packages\Plots\Ec1L1\src\args.jl:1149
┌ Warning: Skipped marker arg octagon.
└ @ Plots C:\Users\memmo\.julia\packages\Plots\Ec1L1\src\args.jl:1149

As for the spacing, it might be an issue I will need to resolve

In Plots.jl / StatsPlots.jl, if you have 3 groups like in my example you usually pass plot attributes as a 3 element row matrix, or as a scalar if it applies to all groups.

For my scatter plot example, I used:

msw=0.3, lw=0, marker=[:circle :utriangle :square], mc=[:red :lime :cyan]