I am trying to plot different probability densities on the same plot from a data frame, based on a group. However, there is an overlap on the lines and I need to use different marker shapes and colors for better visibility. How can I have control of it? I am using the following command:
@df total density(:ProteinA, group = (:Type), legend = :topright,
xtickfontsize=15,ytickfontsize=15,guidefontsize=19, legendfontsize = 14, size=(900,800), linewidth=3,
Thank you for your answer! However, It is unclear how to pick the marker style for each group separately from the documentation. I tried to do it that way:
In Plots.jl / StatsPlots.jl, if you have 3 groups like in my example you usually pass plot attributes as a 3 element row matrix, or as a scalar if it applies to all groups.