I’m looking for something like Base.@kwdef
or Parameters.@with_kw
but which leaves unspecified arguments for mutables as #undef
, i.e. it should do,
@new_kwdef mutable struct Foo
x = 1
Foo() # should return Foo(1, #undef)
Foo(y=2) # should return Foo(1, 2)
Does anything like this already exist? Both of the aforementioned macros error on Foo()
because y
doesn’t have a default and isn’t defined.
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Oh, funnily enough I see now this was already asked about in https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/pull/27987, by me 
I’m not sure if anyone has anything new to add to what is said there, fwiw I do still think it’s useful functionality.
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The comments made there are also relevant: it is special-casing mutable structs, and it is also at odds with the common behavior of functions just erroring when a keyword argument is not provided, eg
julia> f(; kw) = 1
julia> f()
ERROR: UndefKeywordError: keyword argument kw not assigned
That said, you can just write a macro for this, using Base.@kwdef
as a starting point.
That argument I don’t totally get tbh, mutable structs are already special in that they can have #undef
Certainly I can write a macro, although its not quite that easy because @kwdef
creates an outer construction with keywords matching the struct fields, but its not as if I can give these keyword arguments a default value of #undef
in the outer construction since that doesn’t exist in Julia.
I guess the argument I can understand is that non-keyword outer constructors already can’t create #undef
fields, e.g.
mutable struct Foo
Foo() # this does not currently create F(#undef)
and so keyword constructors shouldn’t be able to either.
So do (immutable) struct
s, eg try
struct Foo
Foo() = new()
(possible? yes; useful? not really.)
For your original issue: various extensions of constructors are possible, but IMO most of these should be addressed (and experimented with) in packages, not Base