Constraints of type MathOptInterface.ScalarNonlinearFunction-in-MathOptInterface.LessThan{Float64} are not supported by the solver

I am working on an optimization problem and build a model using Gurobi Optimizer with JuMP. It has some nonlinear constraints:
@constraint(model, f[i] + func(qe[i])<= M1 * (1 - x[(i, j)]) + f[j])
where f, qe, x are nonnegative variables, and func is a function:
function func(q)
return (10 + q)^(3 / 2)

The weird thing is that it worked before today. I reinstalled julia, ran it and got an error:
Constraints of type MathOptInterface.ScalarNonlinearFunction-in-MathOptInterface.LessThan{Float64} are not supported by the solver.

Did you test with a nonlinear solver, like Ipopot?

Test with the solver to Ipopt.Optimizer, got this:
ERROR: MathOptInterface.UnsupportedConstraint{MathOptInterface.VariableIndex, MathOptInterface.ZeroOne}(“”)

The versions I use:
julia 1.11.2
gurobi 9.5.2
Is it because of version incompatibility?

Ipopt does not support binary variables (x[(i, j)]). Why do you not write the polynomial function func within the constraint instead of defining a function?

Hi @leonie25, welcome to the forum :smile:

Gurobi’s support for nonlinear constraints is a very recent feature. You need to install Gurobi v12.

You can check which version of Gurobi you are running with

import Gurobi

We should be able to automatically install Gurobi v12, so do:

import Pkg

then restart Julia.

If that doesn’t work, please run

import Pkg

and let me know what the output is.

It works! Thank you! :smiley: :laughing:
(However, it did work several days ago with Gurobi 9.5.2, after I reinstalled julia and JuMP, it failed. Maybe because of version incompatibility, but I forgot the old version.)

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This cannot have worked with Gurobi 9 because that version of Gurobi did not support nonlinear.

We will have automatically installed Gurobi 12 for you :smile: