Constrain weights and biases to be positive

Is it possible to use a custom constrained optimizer or to modify the gradients to only allow for positive weights and biases?

I want to say this has been discussed before on Discourse, but not being able to find a thread Iā€™d suggest looking at Feature request: Modifying Dense Layer to accommodate kernel/bias constraints and kernel/bias regularisation Ā· Issue #1389 Ā· FluxML/Flux.jl Ā· GitHub. Note that we are moving away from this ā€œimplicitā€ Params model into storing both model weights and gradients in proper structures. If youā€™d like something more futureproof, have a look at Home Ā· Optimisers.jl.


Thanks. I tried the regularization path but I couldnā€™t make it work, I am looking into the custom optimizer now :slight_smile:

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An alternative approach is to introduce an activation function for the weights. That way the weights ā€œas appliedā€ are non-negative, but they posses a real valued learnable ā€œlatent stateā€.

using Flux
m = Dense(3, 2, relu)
x = rand(Float32, 3, 5)
(a::Dense)(x::AbstractVecOrMat, g) = a.Ļƒ.(g.(a.weight)*x .+ g.(a.bias))

y1 = m(x) # normal forward pass
y2 = m(x, relu) # forward pass with non-negative weights

Oooh that is a good idea, now maybe stupid questionā€¦

I donā€™t see any problem using a normal gradient descent, but do you think it would create some problemsusing a method requiring an Hessian (stochastic LBFGS) for training since it depends on the information on the previous gradient? (that was the main reason why I was looking if it was possible to have a constrained optimizer :slight_smile:

I donā€™t think it should be an issue, but I might be missing something.

But in general nonnegative weights make a network a lot less expressive. You are limiting the weights to a single orthant. I think both approaches have drawbacks

  • Optimizer approach: How to efficiently project to the feasible domain.

  • weight activation approach: How to avoid dying or saturated synapses (ReLU and Sigmoid case respectively).

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