I want to find the index of an element after consecutive min
and max
I have a working code, but it’s ugly and probably inefficient since it makes unneeded iterations.
Also it’s not flexible, in the sense it’s not super easy to change the min/max operation sequence.
Below a MWE and my code, where I basically want the element with minimum a
. Out of these the one with maximum b
. And out of these the one with minimum c
struct My
geta(my::My) = my.a
getb(my::My) = my.b
getc(my::My) = my.c
import Random
rng = Random.MersenneTwister(0)
mys = [My(x,y,z) for x in rand(rng, 1:5, 5) for y in rand(rng, 1:5, 5) for z in rand(rng, 1:5, 5)];
amin, _ = findmin(geta, mys);
aminfilter = filter(x -> geta(x) == amin, mys);
bmax, _ = findmax(getb ,aminfilter);
aminbmaxfilter = filter(x -> geta(x) == amin && getb(x) == bmax ,mys);
cmin, _ = findmin(getc ,aminbmaxfilter);
result = findfirst(x -> geta(x) == amin && getb(x) == bmax && getc(x) == cmin, mys)
julia> mys[24]
1-element Vector{My}:
My(3, 5, 1)
I would love to have a simple nice expression like this:
# psedocode
findmin(getc, findmax(getb, findmin(geta, mys)))
How would you solve the above problem in a more elegant way?