Confusion in terminology dt & timing in agents.jl continuous time/EBM model

Hello everyone,

Im working with EBM continuous time model. Im little confused between dt given in model initiation function and timing term while defining events for model. It will be really helpful if someone can describe them. :slight_smile:

Thank you

I don’t understand where you are referring because EventQueueABM does not have a dt input argument or keyword:

The timing keyword is a component of an AgentEvent (something triggered during the EventQueueABM evolution) and what it does is described clearly in its documentation string:

it is a function that gives you the time the event will trigger.

dt is an argument of the run! function for continuous time models, because you almost surely don’t want to collect data when every single event triggers as events are triggered from single agent actions (and this would generate way too many rows with practically no difference in contained information). Instead, you want to collect data every dt real time.

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ok i think i understand the difference. The reason I asked just to know how its influencing the model. In my particle collision model I see for speed value is not affecting collision frequency. So if I have a speed value 10 or 0.0001 but lets say in timing keyword I have 0.1 i.e. after 0.1 time step next event will get triggered. I surprisingly see same number of collision which is weird as I would expect more collision with value 10 and almost no collision with 0.0001.