Confusing/misleading error message for a beginner

Guys, newbie here.

Lesson “Factorizations” from “Introduction to Julia (for programmers)” course teaches you about lu(matrix) function. Then I got this message:

julia> A = randn(3,3)
3×3 Matrix{Float64}:
0.755352 -1.38128 0.0734177
0.507111 2.30187 1.01948
-0.833079 1.09402 -2.687

julia> l,u,p = lu(A)
ERROR: UndefVarError: lu not defined
[1] top-level scope
@ REPL[188]:1

> Blockquote

The lesson didn’t mention you’re now using a LinearAlgebra package function. I just wanted to add this somewhere as I couldn’t find a topic related to this course. This might be obvious, but I needed to look up on the internet to proceed.

Anyway, I hope this helps