Conflict with packages DifferentialEquation.jl, DynamicalSystems.jl, CairoMakie,jld

Oh, wow. CairoMakie is now at version v0.10.2.

Maybe if you convert your tuples to points before the call it could work?

julia> scatter(Point3f.([(0,1,1), (0,2,2), (0,3,5)]))

If you call it with a tuple it will also work:

julia> scatter((1,2))

But yes, it is pulling a very old CairoMakie. If I understand correctly BifurcationKit asks for a very old StructArrays and that causes the compatibility.

Here is this error, I specifically left only BifurcationKit and CairoMakie in the environment

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I think the problem is different, but apparently it really only remains to use Plots

There is an issue open here: Dependencies update · Issue #82 · bifurcationkit/BifurcationKit.jl · GitHub

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Thanks. I only need to build one point that has Float64

The lastest master of BifurcationKit now has updates dependencies.

Thank you, what could be the reason for the following error?

UPD:I found a similar problem and as I understand it, I can’t fix it myself