Conditional Multithreading

Is there a way to enable/disable calls to Threads.@threads?

I’m developing an optimization solver, and when the problem is sufficiently small, using multi-threading hurts performance, and incurs allocations (my code doesn’t make any allocations until I wrap it in @threads). However, when the problem size grows and the individual operations being threaded become more computationally intensive (booting the arithmetic intensity) I get some good performance increases.

I’d like to be able to enable/disable multi-threading as a user-specified option. I can’t just restart Julia with JULIA_NUM_THREADS=1, since @threads still allocates memory and is slower than had I left it out. Can I do this using metaprogramming?

I know I can obviously just create duplicates of my functions and wrap some with @threads, but I’d rather avoid this if possible.

FYI: nearly all of my functions are trivially parallelizable, like this

function foo(vals, vars)
    for k in eachindex(vals)
        vals[k] = somefunction(vars[k])
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There was a PR to remove the overhead of threads when a single thread is used, but it was closed
see also

Awesome, thanks for linking those.

So, to be clear, is there not an easy way to do this at run-time?

For example, I can do this:

function run_kernel(vals,A,b,parallel=true)
    if parallel
        Threads.@threads for k in eachindex(vals)
            vals[k] = mykernel(A,b)
        for k in eachindex(vals)
            vals[k] = mykernel(A,b)

Is there not a way to do this without copying the code like that?

This sounds like it’d be better to dispatch on the problem size than nthreads() == 1. If that’s the case, it’s better to use threaded map that supports specifying base case size. It’s kind of a plug, but Transducers.jl has it. It would be something like:

xf = Map() do k
    vals[k] = mykernel(A, vars[k])

foldl(right, xf, eachindex(vals))  # sequential
reduce(right, xf, eachindex(vals))  # parallel
reduce(right, xf, eachindex(vals), basesize=10)  # parallelize if length(vals) > 10

(I used side-effect in Map which is a bit nasty. It’d be better to use collect and tcollect but they allocates.)


Is there not a way to do this without copying the code like that?

I have an @onthreads macro in ParallelProcessingTools.j that does this for you. It also pins the tasks to threads though, legacy from pre-partr times (I’ll change that in the future, or make it more flexible at least). One of the motivations for @onthreads was easy testing of thread-scaling of code.


Is there no easy way to do this now?

Perhaps having a tag parsing into @threads enable/disable ?

Kind regards

I you could use FLoops.jl and swap between the sequential and parallel executor, see here.

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The basic Threads.@threads is too simple for that. However if you are a bit more serious about multi-threading, you likely use something anyways.
If you do the chunking yourself (e.g. via ChunkSplitters.jl or OhMyThreads.jl) you can just use a single chunk to effectively disable multi-threading.

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Beyond using a single chunk, we’ll try to add dedicated support for this to OhMyThreads.jl (issue).

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I don’t see the need to depending on different packages, you can just create an internal macro to turn on/off the @threads, no? It’s just an if statement inside a macro if that’s all you want.

I’ve done this to switch between parallelism in SymbolicRegression, including distributed mode:

Which you can then use like

out = @sr_spawner(
    parallelism=:multithreading,  #runtime value
    worker_idx=i,                 #worker index (or unused)

Pretty simple and gets the job done.

This is for manual spawning tasks but you could do the same with the loop-wrapping macro.

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Thank you all for the answers above.

@abraemer I am using ChunkSplitters.jl and while I agree that using nchunks=1 is practically setting it to single threaded, then unfortunately it does not deactivate @threads. I am developing an algorithm and make to sure my code does not allocate, but can also be run in parallel in needed, which is why I need such an option for @threads.

What @carstenbauer and @scheidan1 mention seem promising.

@MilesCranmer I think I will investigate what you mention, I should be able to make a copy of @threads taking in an extra argument like execute which can be eitehr true or false - this seems quite valid?

Kind regards

If all you want to do is conditional multithreading, you can just do this –

macro maybe_threads(flag, expr)
        if $(flag)
            Threads.@threads $expr
    end |> esc

then you can use it like

julia> @maybe_threads flag for i in eachindex(x)
           x[i] = x[i] ^ 2
           @show i
i = 3
i = 1
i = 2

for some flag = true or false.


This is a useful snippet, thanks.

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