Hi everyone, I started to using Julia a couple of weeks ago for a small project.
My goal is to build a HPLC system, and not only being able to work the data acquired but also to control some of the equipment.
I am facing some issues communicating with a knauer pump. I am using the following code:
julia> using Sockets
julia> s=connect(“”,10001) #pump ip and port TCPSocket(Base.Libc.WindowsRawSocket(0x0000031c) open, 0 bytes waiting)
julia> write(s,“FLOW 100 \r”) #write 100uL/min
this works ok and I am able to setup the desired pump velocity, however I would like to read the strings that the pump returns after issuing each command. This would be usefull to acquire a pressure reading through the command PRESSURE.
When I use putty to communicate by telnet I have the following output:
>“FLOW 100”
is there any way of having something similar in Julia?
I don’t know your specific API but in my case I learned a good amount by looking through Instruments.jl and the Clang.jl generated wrapper around their C-API. Although they use the NI-VISA protocol, most of the overall methods should be relatively similar to what you are trying to do (in particular, the ‘query’ function sends a command and reads the resulting buffer). If your instruments have an easily accessible C/C++ interface it is so awesome to just let Clang.jl wrap that ugly C-code for you.
Doing this kind of thing should be quite straightforward. Does the instrument respond to each command with a string followed by a '\r'?
In that case I think you can do something like
write(s, "PRESSURE\r")
response = readuntil(s, '\r')
m = match(r"^PRESSURE +([0-9.]+)$", response)
if m !== nothing
pressure = parse(Float64, m[1])
By the way, you can test all this without your instrument by starting up a separate julia process (or a separate async Task within the same process), and listening on a local port:
using Sockets
server = listen(ip"", 10001)
con = accept(server)
while true
request = readuntil(con, '\r')
if request == "PRESSURE"
write(con, "PRESSURE $(rand())\r")
elseif occursin(r"^FLOW +[0-9]+$", request)
write(con, "FLOW OK\r")
# elseif More stuff to simulate your instrument
write(con, "ERROR\r")
Then connect to your newly mocked out instrument on and you can do quick unit tests without having the physical hardware.