How to Compress many files (no data) in Julia ? Specialy text files, if I saved txt data to jld or hdf5 was many time bigger then txt. Today I hvae lot of files txt and I must compress it and still using it some time.
Like you have lots of .txt
files and you want to compress them? If it is a one-time thing, why bother with Julia to do it? I would just use gzip or 7zip at the command line.
There are Julia packages, though, if you want to try that out GitHub - JuliaIO/GZip.jl: A Julia interface for gzip functions in zlib
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Also check out the CodecZlib package if you want to handle gzip files. It is considerably more efficient than Gzip.jl for me.
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I have saved Array{String,1}: as txt, GZip Ignore the end-of-line character. Milions word read as one strig
I am lookin for some to worsk with FILES, not with STRINGS