Compiler work priorities

In addition to what Stefan said, the way to accomplish more compiler projects is:

  1. If you know of funding opportunities, please let me know and it will help us at Julia Computing grow our compiler team and execute more compiler projects.
  2. The Julia Lab at MIT is also another place where this could be a research topic for the right person.
  3. Influence tech companies to contribute engineering manpower, if they can’t contribute money. Many of the large tech firms do large open source contributions. The more vocal Julia users are, the more likely we will get contributions.
  4. Discuss with people at National Labs. The more they adopt Julia, the more we will get contributions and capabilities from that community.

Personally, I work on all the options above. I find that there are Julia users in every university, company, national lab, government, etc. but we need to be more vocal about asking for help - money or time.
