Hello, I’m looking to implement two-stage robust optimization using column and constraint generation. I’ve encountered an issue within while loop related to the optimize!()
function when trying to implement the algorithm. Thank you for your help. Here’s the relevant code:
using JuMP
using Gurobi
# Constant creation
f = [400, 414, 326]
a = [18, 25, 20]
C = [22 33 24;
33 23 30;
20 25 27]
D = [206 + 40, 274 + 40, 220 + 40]
dl = [206, 274, 220]
du = [40, 40, 40]
k = 0 # Iterative counting
MP = Model(Gurobi.Optimizer)
# Variables
@variable(MP, x[1:3, 1:3] >= 0)
@variable(MP, y[1:length(f)], Bin)
@variable(MP, z[1:length(a)] >= 0)
@variable(MP, d[1:3] >= 0)
@variable(MP, eta >= 0)
@variable(MP, 0<=g[1:3]<=1)
# Objective function
@objective(MP, Min, sum(f[i] * y[i] for i in 1:length(f)) + sum(a[i] * z[i] for i in 1:length(a)) + eta)
# Constraints
@constraint(MP, MP_Cons_1[i in 1:3], z[i] <= 800 * y[i])
@constraint(MP, MP_Cons_2, sum(z[i] for i in 1:3) >= 772)
# Iteration constraints
@constraint(MP, MP_Cons_3[i in 1:3], sum(x[i, j] for j in 1:3) <= z[i])
@constraint(MP, MP_Cons_4[j in 1:3], sum(x[i, j] for i in 1:3) >= d[j])
@constraint(MP, MP_Cons_eta, eta >= sum(x[i, j]*C[i,j] for i in 1:3 for j in 1:3))
# Master-problem uncertainty constraints
@constraint(MP, MP_Cons_uncertainty_1[i in 1:3], d[i] == dl[i] + du[i] * g[i])
@constraint(MP, MP_Cons_uncertainty_2, sum(g[i] for i in 1:3) <= 1.8)
@constraint(MP, MP_Cons_uncertainty_3, sum(g[i] for i in 1:2) <= 1.2)
# Solve the problem
# Get the lower bound
LB = objective_value(MP)
# Display the results if needed
println("Lower Bound: $LB")
SP = Model(optimizer_with_attributes(Gurobi.Optimizer, "OutputFlag" => 1))
# Variables
@variable(SP, x_sub[1:3, 1:3] >= 0)
@variable(SP, d_sub[1:3] >= 0)
@variable(SP, g_sub[1:3], Bin)
@variable(SP, pi[1:6] >= 0)
@variable(SP, v[1:6], Bin)
@variable(SP, w[1:3, 1:3], Bin)
M = 10000
# Objective function
@objective(SP, Max, sum(C[i,j] * x_sub[i, j] for i in 1:3, j in 1:3))
# Constraints
@constraint(SP, SP_Cons_1[i in 1:3], sum(x_sub[i, j] for j in 1:3) <= value.(z[i]))
@constraint(SP, SP_Cons_2[j in 1:3], sum(x_sub[i, j] for i in 1:3) >= d_sub[j])
@constraint(SP, SP_Cons_3[i in 1:3, j in 1:3], - pi[i] + pi[j + 3] <= C[i,j])
# Slack constraints part 1
@constraint(SP, SP_SLACK_CONS_1[i in 1:3], value.(z[i]) - sum(x_sub[i, j] for j in 1:3) <= M * (1 - v[i]))
@constraint(SP, SP_SLACK_CONS_2[j in 1:3], sum(x_sub[i, j] for i in 1:3) - d_sub[j] <= M * (1 - v[j + 3]))
@constraint(SP, SP_SLACK_CONS_3[i in 1:6], pi[i] <= M * v[i])
# Slack constraints part 2
@constraint(SP, SP_SLACK_CONS_4[i in 1:3, j in 1:3], C[i,j] + pi[i] - pi[j + 3] <= M * (1 - w[i, j]))
@constraint(SP, SP_SLACK_CONS_5[i in 1:3, j in 1:3], x_sub[i, j] <= M * w[i, j])
# Uncertainty
@constraint(SP, SP_Cons_uncertainty_1[i in 1:3], d_sub[i] == dl[i] + du[i] * g_sub[i])
@constraint(SP, SP_Cons_uncertainty_2, sum(g_sub[i] for i in 1:3) <= 1.8)
@constraint(SP, SP_Cons_uncertainty_3, sum(g_sub[i] for i in 1:2) <= 1.2)
# Solve the sub-problem
# Get the sub-problem objective value
SP_objval = objective_value(SP)
# Calculate the upper bound
UB = LB - value.(eta) + SP_objval
println("Upper Bound: $UB")
while abs(UB - LB) > 1e-5
k = k + 1
# Master-problem
@variable(MP, x_new[1:3, 1:3] >= 0)
@constraint(MP, MP_Cons_3_new[i in 1:3], sum(x_new[i, j] for j in 1:3) <= value(z[i]))
@constraint(MP, MP_Cons_4_new[j in 1:3], sum(x_new[i, j] for i in 1:3) >= value(d_sub[j]))
@constraint(MP, MP_Cons_eta, eta >= sum(x_new[i, j] * C[i,j] for i in 1:3, j in 1:3))
LB = max(LB, objective_value(MP))
println("Lower Bound: $LB")
# Sub-problem update
# Remove old constraints related to z
for i in 1:3
# Add new constraints related to z
for i in 1:3
@constraint(MP, MP_Cons_3_new[i], sum(x_sub[i, j] for j in 1:3) <= value(z[i]))
@constraint(SP, SP_Cons_1[i], sum(x_sub[i, j] for j in 1:3) <= value(z[i]))
@constraint(SP, SP_SLACK_CONS_1[i], value(z[i]) - sum(x_sub[i, j] for j in 1:3) <= M * (1 - value(v[i])))
SP_objval = objective_value(SP)
UB = LB - value(eta) + SP_objval
println("Upper Bound: $UB")