This is not a full solution, but if colours are problematic you can use a different font for special letters. Julia has full unicode, co there are few quite distinct fonts which could serve as letter highlighting.
Can you give a bit more information about just what you are trying to accomplish?
Do you only need to display ASCII characters?
Is this only to display a string from your own code, annotated with colors?
Are there only a few colors that you need to use?
One possibilty would be to create a vector for the colors for each character you wish to display,
and write a function that displays a string with the colors.
The API could be something like the following:
using ColoredSequences
cs = ColoredSequence(sequence)
setcolor!(cs, 3, CS_BLUE)
module ColoredSequences
export ColoredSequence, setcolor!
const CS_NONE = 0x0
const CS_RED = 0x1
const CS_GREEN = 0x2
const CS_BLUE = 0x3
struct ColoredSequence{T<:AbstractString}
ColoredSequence(s) = ColoredSequence(s, fill(CS_NONE, length(s)))
setcolor!(cs, loc, color) = ([loc] = color)
const colors = [:normal, :red, :green, :blue]
function findnextneq(vec, loc, val)
len = length(vec)
while loc <= len
vec[loc] != val && return loc
loc += 1
function, cs::ColoredSequence)
str = cs.s
cv =
len = sizeof(cv)
prv = 1
while prv < len
prevc = cv[prv]
loc = findnextneq(cv, prv, prevc)
printstyled(io, SubString(str, prv, loc-1), color = colors[prevc+1])
prv = loc
end # module ColoredSequences
This is a quick-and-dirty implementation, it assumes that you are only using strings that do not have any multi-codeunit characters in it (i.e. all ASCII, for String, and UTF8Str, for example, or all < 65536 for UTF16Str)
Hope this helps!
Thanks for asking. So mostly I want to be able to clearly visualize differences between sequences. A sequence can be a rather long combination of ‘T’, ‘C’, ‘G’, and ‘A’ characters. So it can be hard to pick out which character is different when comparing two sequences. I was hoping I could use a color to highlight the individual characters that are different. Maybe a different color for each of the four nucleotides noted above. I’d use this in a jupyter or Pluto notebook mostly.
I’m happy to help!
I noticed that it wasn’t all that easy to see the color for letters (at least, on my monitor, with a white background).
It might be better to cause the highlighted letters to be inverted (i.e. colored background, with black or white text), to stand out more.
This is a side note, but as you are working with DNA I would highly recommend using package BioSequences. You get containers for various biological sequences with many tools for analysis and manipulation. I don’t think there is colour highlighting there, but you can add it the same way as shown above.