Collections of quadratic expressions causes @expression to throw error


As the title says, I’m getting an error trying to create an array of quadratic expressions in JuMP. I’m using julia v1.1.0 and JuMP v0.20.1. Minimal example:

using JuMP

model = Model()

@variables(model, begin
    0 <= x[1:3] <= 30, Int

c = [1,2]

@expression(model, q_expr[k=1:2], sum([sum([x[i]*x[j]*c[k] for i in 1:3]) for j in 1:3]))

This produces the output

julia> @expression(model, q_expr[k=1:2], sum([sum([x[i]*x[j]*c[k] for i in 1:3]) for j in 1:3]))
ERROR: Collection of expressions with @expression must be linear. For quadratic expressions, use your own array.

I don’t understand the error message here. In contrast,

julia> @expression(model, q_expr, sum([sum([x[i]*x[j]*c[1] for i in 1:3]) for j in 1:3]))
x[1]² + 2 x[1]*x[2] + 2 x[1]*x[3] + x[2]² + 2 x[2]*x[3] + x[3]²

works just fine. Any hope there’s a quick fix/workaround?

I believe this is fixed in an upcoming JuMP release.

Until then, the quick work-around is:

q_expr = [
    @expression(model, sum(...))
    for k = 1:2
model[:q_expr] = q_expr

Works for me, great! Thanks!