I’m interested in producing a figure using Makie with two sections. One section with a figure, another with a code listing (Julia code, of course). Has anyone tried this before / got any thoughts about how I could go about it?
In ancient times, I used Highlights.jl + Makie.text
to create a plot with highlighted Julia code… I can take a look if that code is still around somewhere
That would be amazing, thank you!
Ok, this was interesting…Against all odds, I actually found the code sample…
It was almost 100% still working But, Makie’s 1 color per char actually regressed, so I had to fix that: make it possible to have one color per glyph by SimonDanisch · Pull Request #1582 · MakieOrg/Makie.jl · GitHub
But with that PR this works now:
using GLMakie
using Colors, Highlights
using Highlights.Format
using Highlights.Tokens
using Highlights.Themes
import Highlights.Themes: has_fg
css2color(str) = parse(RGBA{Float32}, string("#", str))
css2color(c::Themes.RGB) = RGBA{Float32}(c.r/255, c.g/255, c.b/255, 1.0)
function style2color(style, default)
if has_fg(style)
function render_str(
ctx::Format.Context, theme::Format.Theme
defaultcolor = if has_fg(theme.base)
RGBA(0f0, 0f0, 0f0, 1f0)
colormap = map(s-> style2color(s, defaultcolor), theme.styles)
tocolor = Dict(zip(Tokens.__TOKENS__, colormap))
colors = RGBA{Float32}[]
io = IOBuffer()
for token in ctx.tokens
t = Tokens.__TOKENS__[token.value.value]
str = SubString(ctx.source, token.first, token.last)
print(io, str)
append!(colors, fill(tocolor[t], length(str)))
# push!(colors, tocolor[t])
String(take!(io)), colors
function highlight_text(src::AbstractString, theme = Themes.DefaultTheme)
io = IOBuffer()
Highlights.Compiler.lex(src, Lexers.JuliaLexer),
src = """
function test(a, b)
const a = sin(a) + 2.0
return a
str, colors = highlight_text(src)
text(str, color=colors)
Incredible. Thanks again for sorting this out!
Out of interest, what’s Makie’s release cycle like? Will you issue a patch release when your PR is merged, or will it take a while for a new release with the PR included?
Usually we release patch releases after merging a PR… But the change to the mono repo slowed us down a bit - but this change should be released now and I hope to be faster going forward.
does not work, it seems to be no longer available. However setting to true
where has_fg
appears also does the work