Clustering_quality not defined

Hello everyone! I’m trying to use the package Clustering.jl. The documentation reports this code to calculate different performance indices.

using Plots, Clustering
X = hcat([4., 5.] .+ 0.4 * randn(2, 10),
         [9., -5.] .+ 0.4 * randn(2, 5),
         [-4., -9.] .+ 1 * randn(2, 5))

nclusters = 2:5
clusterings = kmeans.(Ref(X), nclusters)

         clustering_quality.(Ref(X), clusterings, quality_index = qidx),
         marker = :circle,
         title = ":$qidx", label = nothing,
    ) for qidx in [:silhouettes, :calinski_harabasz, :xie_beni, :davies_bouldin, :dunn])...,
    layout = (3, 2),
    xaxis = "N clusters",
    plot_title = "\"Hard\" clustering quality indices"

when I try it, this error is displayed: “clustering_quality is not defined”. Should I add something? Thank you very much.


It looks like the clustering_quality() function is relatively new in Clustering.jl. Maybe check that you’re using the latest version (v0.15.7) ?