Do you have any unfinished code you could upload?
I might want to take part in the Game Makers Toolkit game jam next month and if i don’t have to start from scratch that might motivate me to get something runable by then.
Do you have any unfinished code you could upload?
I might want to take part in the Game Makers Toolkit game jam next month and if i don’t have to start from scratch that might motivate me to get something runable by then.
Not really anything beyond a basic proof of concept. I basically used Gnumic’s example:
library_name = ":libraylib"
output_file_path = "./LibRaylib.jl"
module_name = "LibRaylib"
use_julia_native_enum_type = true
using Clang.Generators
const RAYLIB_H = ["/usr/local/include/raylib.h"]
options = load_options(joinpath(@__DIR__, "wrap.toml"))
args = String[]
ctx = create_context(RAYLIB_H, args, options)
Running wrap.jl
produces LibRayLib.jl
which is 99% fine, but needs a tiny bit of editing to account for issues with vararg functions and some macros (no idea if that has been fixed in the meantime). Then code like this works:
const RL = LibRaylib
const screen_width = 1600
const screen_height = 900
function run()
RL.InitWindow(screen_width, screen_height, "run")
camera = RL.Camera2D(RL.Vector2(500, 500),
RL.Vector2(screen_width/2, screen_height/2),
x = floor(Int, rand() * 1000) + 200
y = floor(Int, rand() * 700) + 100
while RL.WindowShouldClose() == 0
RL.ClearBackground(RL.Color(0, 0, 0, 255))
x += floor(Int, (rand()-0.49)*10)
y += floor(Int, (rand()-0.49)*10)
RL.DrawText("Dies ist ein Test!", 200, 200, 20, RL.Color(250, 0, 0, 255))
RL.DrawCircle(x, y, 100, RL.Color(0, 255, 0, 150))
Hi, thank you for the thorough examples of using clang. However, I have an issue running the same code as the above.
The LibRaylib.jl
is created successfully, but while running the run_rl.jl
, I got this error ERROR: could not load library "libraylib"
Any tips to solve this issue?
It seems like you are trying to use a wrapper for a library, but without the library. Are you sure that libraylib
is installed on your system?
Hi @serenity4, thank you for responding.
I have installed the raylib (following through this guide Working on GNU Linux · raysan5/raylib Wiki · GitHub), it still gave me the same error.
git clone raylib
cd raylib
mkdir build && cd build
sudo make install
I am not sure why it doesn’t detect the installation. I am a new Linux user, so maybe I didn’t install it correctly.
You should then make sure that the libraries you built are discoverable within the library search path of your system. You can look into LD_LIBRARY_PATH
for example.
Since Raylib
is in Yggdrasil (see here), an even better solution would be to use the Julia package Raylib_jll
. As long as the library name of the JLL package matches the library name you use in your wrapper, the issue might be solved by just doing import Raylib_jll
(at package __init__()
time, Raylib_jll
will dlopen
the shared library and therefore the library will be callable by name directly, i.e. no need to mess with system paths).
Thanks, @serenity4!
I will figure out how to continue with this one. However, I tried with a different approach using the JLL package.
using Clang.Generators
using Raylib_jll
include_dir = normpath(Raylib_jll.artifact_dir, "include")
# wrapper generator options
options = load_options(joinpath(@__DIR__, "wrap.toml"))
# add compiler flags, e.g. "-DXXXXXXXXX"
args = get_default_args()
push!(args, "-I$include_dir")
header_dir = include_dir
headers = [joinpath(header_dir, header) for header in readdir(header_dir) if endswith(header, ".h")]
# create context
ctx = create_context(headers, args, options)
# run generator
library_name = "libraylib"
output_file_path = "./LibRayLib.jl"
module_name = "LibRaylib"
jll_pkg_name = "Raylib_jll"
However, I got this error message
[ Info: Processing header: /home/vscode/.julia/artifacts/43bf856bd341c937a4ef62a0db273d61985df75e/include/rlgl.h
ERROR: AssertionError: duplicated definitions should be exactly the same!
[1] (::IndexDefinition)(dag::ExprDAG, options::Dict{String, Any})
@ Clang.Generators ~/.julia/packages/Clang/i9s1u/src/generator/passes.jl:127
[2] build!(ctx::Context, stage::Clang.Generators.BuildStage)
@ Clang.Generators ~/.julia/packages/Clang/i9s1u/src/generator/context.jl:169
[3] build!(ctx::Context)
@ Clang.Generators ~/.julia/packages/Clang/i9s1u/src/generator/context.jl:160
[4] top-level scope
@ /workspaces/Docker/Julia/Raylib/jll/wrap.jl:22
Do you have any idea why this is happening?
If you want to use raylib with Julia, someone already made a Julia wrapper for it:
chengchingwen/Raylib.jl: Julia wrapper for the raylib videogames programming library (
It works pretty well. See this example:
NanoVG.jl/raylib.jl at main · dylanxyz/NanoVG.jl (
Hi @dylanxyz, thank you for the response
What I am trying to do here is to learn about using Clang.jl as a wrapper. Because I stumbled upon a problem when I was trying to make a wrapper for cuQuantum. There is already JLL for this: GitHub - JuliaBinaryWrappers/cuQuantum_jll.jl. But I think something is missing, which makes an error.
So, technically it should be easier for me to build it. But, as I am still new to Julia and cuQuantum, I want to see more examples of how Clang.jl can be used.
If you have any information that someone is already made the wrapper for this project, it would be awesome