I am looking for simple syntax that would compare two iterators itr1, itr2 for elementwise equality without collecting, and break early if there is a difference. MWE:
julia> VERSION
julia> all(1:3 .== [1,2,3])
julia> all(1:3 .== (i for i in 1:3)) # but I want this to be true
Note that I know how to implement it, I am looking for simple syntax, equivalent to
function itreq(itr1, itr2)
for (i1,i2) in zip(itr1, itr2)
i1 == i2 || return false
itreq(1:3, (i for i in 1:3))
EDIT: I realized I really want something equivalent to collect(itr1) == collect(itr2), but without collect. Ie different lengths should also return false, so all(... .== ...) is not good.
In case you are wondering, this is just out of curiosity, the code in question has no performance impact. I am validating that a list of Cartesian indexes are really contiguous and in the right order, with a function not unlike
function combined_size(indexes)
siz = reduce(max, indexes)
ran = CartesianRange(siz)
# FIXME inelegant collect below
@argcheck collect(indexes) == collect(ran) "Non-contiguous indexes."
We should probably have methods for all and any that work like map, taking a predicate which takes as many arguments as you pass iterables. Could you open a feature request issue?
I thought about it and I am not sure it is a good idea. Something like
all(f, itr...) = all(tup->f(tup...), zip(itr...))
would work, apart from the fact that it would conflict with all(f::Function, A::AbstractArray, region) when used with two iterables, however
all(==, 1:3, (i for i in 1:4))
would be true, which is not necessarily what I want. One would need to test for one sequence consumed earlier than the other, but mapreduce would just finish silently.
Only zip ignores length differences, stopping as soon as the first argument stops, and there’s an open issue somewhere with a lot of support for changing that (including from me).