Check if value is missing in DataFrame indexed by values (not by numerical indices)

I have the following DataFrame:

julia> directories
247×133 DataFrame. Omitted printing of 127 columns
│ Row │ receiverId       │ 2018-03-05           │ 2018-03-06           │ 2018-03-07              │
│ 1   │ 001bc50940820093 │ floor7:east:pat7302  │ floor7:east:pat7302  │ floor7:east:pat7302     │
│ 2   │ 001bc509408200fe │ floor5:south:pat5111 │ floor5:south:pat5111 │ floor5:southICU:pat5111 │
│ 3   │ 001bc5094082008e │ floor5:east:pat5307  │ floor5:east:pat5307  │ floor5:east:pat5307     │
│ 4   │ 001bc50940820018 │ floor7:south:ns04    │ floor7:south:ns04    │ floor7:south:ns04       │
│ 5   │ 001bc5094082005c │ floor5:west:ns02     │ floor5:west:ns02     │ floor5:west:ns02        │
│ 6   │ 001bc509408200ae │ floor8:west:ns01     │ floor8:west:ns01     │ floor8:west:ns01        │
│ 7   │ 001bc50940820028 │ floor7:south:pat7110 │ floor7:south:pat7110 │ floor7:south:pat7110    │
│ 8   │ 001bc50940820094 │ floor7:north:pat7217 │ floor7:north:pat7217 │ floor7:north:pat7217    │
│ 9   │ 001bc509408200b7 │ floor9:east:pat9301  │ floor9:east:pat9301  │ floor9:east:pat9301     │
│ 10  │ 001bc509408200c6 │ floor9:east:pat9304  │ floor9:east:pat9304  │ floor9:east:pat9304     │
│ 237 │ 001bc509408200f6 │ missing              │ missing              │ missing                 │
│ 238 │ 001bc50940820116 │ missing              │ missing              │ missing                 │
│ 239 │ 001bc509408200a6 │ missing              │ missing              │ missing                 │
│ 240 │ 001bc509408101f8 │ missing              │ missing              │ missing                 │
│ 241 │ 001bc50940820118 │ missing              │ missing              │ missing                 │
│ 242 │ 001bc5094082008d │ missing              │ missing              │ missing                 │
│ 243 │ 001bc5094082011a │ missing              │ missing              │ missing                 │
│ 244 │ 001bc50940820099 │ missing              │ missing              │ missing                 │
│ 245 │ 001bc50940820113 │ missing              │ missing              │ missing                 │
│ 246 │ 001bc5094082010a │ missing              │ missing              │ missing                 │
│ 247 │ 001bc509408200f2 │ missing              │ missing              │ missing                 │

I want to check if the receiverId 001bc509408200f6 is missing for a given date. I index the DataFrame in the following way, for a given date (column):

julia> directories[directories[:receiverId] .== "001bc509408200f6", Symbol("2018-03-05")]
1-element Array{Union{Missing, String},1}:

Here, the type of the output is a 1-element Array{Union{Missing, String},1}. If I use ismissing, I get:

julia> ismissing(directories[directories[:receiverId] .== "001bc509408200f6", Symbol("2018-03-05")])

which is not the expected output (at least for me). If use use dot notation, since I am evaluating an array,

julia> ismissing.(directories[directories[:receiverId] .== "001bc509408200f6", Symbol("2018-03-05")])
1-element BitArray{1}:

I get the expected output in an unexpected (again, for me) type. Therefore, I can’t for example use it as the condition for an if statement (at least I haven’t figured out how).

What’s the right way to check whether a value is missing when indexing a DataFrame with an array of Booleans? Note that if I index using numbers, e.g.

julia> ismissing(directories[237,2])

this just works. However, for the processing I’m working on, it’s easier to index by receiverId and date (column) values.

The issue is that DataFrames has no way of knowing that there is only one oversvation with df.receiverid == "001bc509408200f6", so it returns an array with one element rather than a scalar. To not have this behavior would lead to type instability.

One way to get a scalar return is by using findfirst, which will give you the index of the first row for which df.receiverid == "001bc509408200f6" is true.