How can I check programmatically if a function has a docstring?
Use the @doc
macro or the doc
How can I tell if a name has a docstring using your proposed technique? For example
using Markdown
julia> dump(@doc md"")
content: Array{Any}((3,))
1: Markdown.Paragraph
content: Array{Any}((1,))
1: String "No documentation found."
2: Markdown.Paragraph
content: Array{Any}((2,))
1: Markdown.Code
language: String ""
code: String "Markdown.@md_str"
2: String " is a macro."
3: Markdown.Code
language: String ""
You could look for "No documentation found."
as the first paragraph, I guess, though that is a bit ugly.
To check whether there is documentation for a particular symbol in a particular module, this seems to work, but relies on undocumented internals of the Docs
julia> hasdoc(mod::Module, sym::Symbol) = haskey(Base.Docs.meta(mod), Base.Docs.Binding(mod, sym));
julia> hasdoc(Base, :sum)
julia> hasdoc(Base, :foo)
It would be nice to export some kind of documented functionality here, but first it would be helpful to have an example of a practical application that needs this, in order to determine the appropriate functionality.
For example, it might be useful for Base.Test
to provide a way to check that all exported symbols in a module have docstrings.
Yeah that’s what I’m going for. Though I think it’s even better practice to give all functions docstrings to help contributors.
I think this would be a very significant change to help R developers who are used to a dynamic language, but expecting the ‘check’ process of cran where packages have complete documentation on exported functions.
I filed an issue with an example implementation: add a way to test whether exported symbols are documented · Issue #51174 · JuliaLang/julia · GitHub
Anyone want to take a crack at it?
Do you mean make a pull request addressing the issue? (I don’t have time for that, but I hope that someone does)
If you just meant test your code, I did the following which works in 1.9 & 1.10:
using Test
@testset "hasdoc" begin
@eval module Aa
export good, bad
Better to do nothing than to do something bad
good() = nothing
bad() = Inf
@test hasdoc(Aa, :good)
@test hasdoc(Aa, :bad) == false
Yes, I mean making a PR. This involves adding tests, documentation, going through the review process, etcetera.