Is there a way to make the sampler choose a different α on each iteration? I don’t understand why it chooses a single α for each chain, instead of each iteration.
There used to be an example of mixture models in the Turing tutorials, but the link no longer works. Unfortunately, I do not remember the approach they used. You could potentially use MCMCTempering.jl, which deals with multimodal distributions. I don’t know how well it is integrated with Turing however.
Thank you! However, I still don’t understand what’s going on under the hood that α is not being sampled under each iteration. Any clarification on this will be useful
Possibly, each iteration the sampler either resamples β or α. Resampling β keeping the same α works as expected. But resampling α while keeping β has very low probability because SD 0.1 is small. Essentially, the state space is split into several weakly connected basins. A simple way to test this hypothesis is to increase SD to 0.5 and see the chains switch α values.
I think Dan is probably right. The sampler seems to get stuck on one of the mixture components. If you are estimating parameters from data, you could marginalize the mixture components in this case. For example, the likelihood for one observation could be:
Thanks, both of you! Very insightful comments!
Any chance you can expand the marginalization example you wrote a little? I never did that on Turing.jl and couldn’t find good examples. I’m not sure how to define the variables and the likelihood for the simple case I wrote.
Thank you!!
No problem. I am working on a solution using MixtureModel which does not require you to handle the logpdf.
using Distributions
using Turing
using Random
# number of observations
n_obs = 100
# number of components
n_c = 4
# sample true μ for each component
μs = randn(n_c)
# true standard deviation of each component
σ = 1
# true component probabilities
θs = rand(Dirichlet(ones(n_c)))
mixture = MixtureModel(Normal.(μs, σ), θs)
# generate some simulated data
data = rand(mixture, n_obs)
@model function my_model(y, n_c, n_obs)
μs ~ filldist(Normal(0, 1), n_c)
θs ~ Dirichlet(ones(n_c))
σ = 1.0
y .~ MixtureModel(Normal.(μs, σ), θs)
chains = sample(my_model(data, n_c, n_obs), NUTS(1000, .65), MCMCThreads(), 1000, 4)
No problem. The example above now works. Unfortunately, the error was quite stupid: I intended to pass data to the model, but I passed an old variable y, which was lurking in my session. I was discussing parameter recovery with someone on slack and they said that parameters are often difficult to recover in mixture models.
Evidently, the Turing website has changed. You can find some more info here:
You can also find information about identifiability here: