i am asynchronously reading data in several processes and then after being loaded and preprocessed, I copy them to the master process. Unfortunately I sometimes get
ERROR (unhandled task failure): EOFError: read end of file
ERROR: LoadError: ProcessExitedException()
Which completely crashes my calculation. Is there a way, how to catch this as an exception? Simply wrapping that in try - catch block does not seem to work.
Thanks for suggestions.
I am in the same sort of situation. Have you made any progress?
@Tomas_Pevny, I got around my issue by wrapping my parallel section in a function.
Below is a minimal example of my original program structure.
iteration = 1
max_iterations = 1000
weights = Array{Float64,2}(2,N)
while iteration <= max_iterations
arr = SharedArray{Float64}(N)
@sync @parallel for i=1:N
# Compute value to place in the shared array.
value = something(weights[end,:])
arr[i] = value
end # parallel sync
push!(weights, sdata(arr));
# Check for early breaks.
if hasConverged(arr)
iteration = iteration + 1
end # while
Below is a minimal example of the structural change that seems to allow my program to run without running into the EOFError.
function calculation(weight)
arr = SharedArray{Float64}(N)
@sync @parallel for i=1:N
# Compute value to place in shared array.
value = something(weight)
arr[i] = value
end # parallel sync
return arr
iteration = 1
max_iterations = 1000
weights = Array{Float64,2}(2,N)
while iteration <= max_iterations
arr = calculation(weights[end,:])
push!(weights, sdata(arr));
## Check for early breaks.
if hasConverged(arr)
iteration = iteration + 1
end # while
If anybody knows how this change in structure affects scoping/garbage collection, please let me know.